Unexpected Answers-And God's Final Decision

When I opened my mailbox-and saw the letter, complete with World Missions heading--I held my breath. This felt a lifetime ago. However, it was just back at the early part of the summer. The letter, I thought at first, was a mistake. To catch you up (Start from the very first blog post at the bottom of this blog and read "up")-- the first week of March we applied to become fully-appointed--FULL TIME missionaries to our beloved Bolivia. After many forms, a few essays written, some gut wrenching sobbing (on my part due to the pain of re-living our past lives before Christ in the writing of it all), we submitted and waited. Not quite patiently, but passionately (as our dear friend Larry Hall prayed for us to). We had excitement churning in the beginning. Then, it settled down to the knowledge of all the things we would need to do--all the changes--and we were so good with all the possibilities even the changes....