
Showing posts from 2019

My Fixer Upper

We have been so blessed with housing since we returned home.  Our current assignment is now complete in Bolivia, as far as living out of the country. The work and ministry is far from over.  Except when we lived in a practically new apartment in Bolivia, we have always lived in something that needed repairs, a "fixer upper".  Always.  But we seem to enjoy the process of taking something in need of repairs or changing to make useable. I must say though, I am thinking at this point--were we 20 years younger, it might not wear us out so completely!  But here we are--back home, both working--and just finished the painting-ripping out--cleaning up of a house back where we began.  Home. For days something I wrote last year for StreetTalk Magazine has really stirred my heart again as I have been praying through some questions I have asked the LORD. I have re-written some of the article to share here.   I never knew after I initially wrote this--tha...

A Place To Pray

First, you need to know before you turn the page to read more (as if you were reading in my actual prayer journal), I believe that God still speaks to us today. I meet with Him in my private little area every morning.  It took me a while to get to this much devotion.  I watched different people whom I admired their spiritual strength and wondered about their prayer lives. For years, while I was busy raising daughters, my prayer time was right before I went to sleep. I would wait until bedtime, after I had prayed with my girls, or listened to them pray, I would talk to God and often write in an old journal that is long gone now.  My time spent was completely based on how long I was actually alone or how soon I  fell asleep.  It wasn't very well planned--it was more like I added God to the end of my day, rather than the focus of my day. Sometimes my prayer time was standing at the kitchen sink.  I've had more than a few prayers with my hands in soa...

Tracking A-Knights-Journey

For many months, I have wanted to let you in on what happens when a person seeks -wholeheartedly and purposefully-to follow whatever God leads one to do...even the most unusual or seemingly ridiculous. The world, with it's photo-shop-abilities, would want to show the sweet and perfect parts of the journey--but I'm inclined to believe that showing you the truth is more beneficial in the long run. Know this up front:   the journey , no matter how many trials come our way--or how many traps are laid for us to fall into--will be worth it when we reach the destination.  Keep pushing forward. Focus on the finish --not the flight.   Flights are often difficult.  I have found I really hate flying if it's more than a three hour flight.  I get too antsy.  I wiggle and squirm, have hot flashes and anxiety builds up in me like a pressure cooker.  I have to really concentrate not to pop.  It happens sometimes because of who I might be seated ne...