Tracking A-Knights-Journey
For many months, I have wanted to let you in on what happens when a person seeks -wholeheartedly and purposefully-to follow whatever God leads one to do...even the most unusual or seemingly ridiculous. The world, with it's photo-shop-abilities, would want to show the sweet and perfect parts of the journey--but I'm inclined to believe that showing you the truth is more beneficial in the long run. Know this up front: the journey , no matter how many trials come our way--or how many traps are laid for us to fall into--will be worth it when we reach the destination. Keep pushing forward. Focus on the finish --not the flight. Flights are often difficult. I have found I really hate flying if it's more than a three hour flight. I get too antsy. I wiggle and squirm, have hot flashes and anxiety builds up in me like a pressure cooker. I have to really concentrate not to pop. It happens sometimes because of who I might be seated ne...