A Place To Pray

First, you need to know before you turn the page to read more (as if you were reading in my actual prayer journal), I believe that God still speaks to us today. I meet with Him in my private little area every morning. It took me a while to get to this much devotion. I watched different people whom I admired their spiritual strength and wondered about their prayer lives. For years, while I was busy raising daughters, my prayer time was right before I went to sleep. I would wait until bedtime, after I had prayed with my girls, or listened to them pray, I would talk to God and often write in an old journal that is long gone now. My time spent was completely based on how long I was actually alone or how soon I fell asleep. It wasn't very well planned--it was more like I added God to the end of my day, rather than the focus of my day. Sometimes my prayer time was standing at the kitchen sink. I've had more than a few prayers with my hands in soa...