
Showing posts from 2020

Life Transitions

In the recent transition of moving our folks closer to us (my sister, Aimee and I), I heard my oldest daughter say some things that sounded just like me when my grandparents moved from the  “home place”  that I had kno wn as a little girl.     Initially, she wasn’t thrilled about them leaving what she thought would be their forever home.  But then she came to understand what we all have known for a while—it’s for the best.  They need to be closer to us, and we need to be closer to them.    Every day we learn more and more that life is full of transitions.   Sometimes it feels like you just get used to one and then another one shows up on the horizon. Often faster than we would wish for—even knowing that changes are coming doesn’t make them easier to swallow.  But, you brace yourself, hunker down, lift your hands in surrender to God, and go with the flow.   Can all that be done at one time?  Yes.   Is it always easy?  Not on your life.   Sometimes--it's the most excruciating thing i

Goodbye Yellow House

I titled this with  house  rather than  home  because a house is just a house.    We can’t say goodbye to a home because a home is who we are.    As a couple, as a family- as long as we’re together we are home.   Jeff and I learned this first hand.  Over and over…and over again.   After 15 moves in our married life, we know -  “home” is us.    It’s who we are.     We decorate it—we fill it with furniture, family and friends and some sweet memories.  We fill it with cooking smells—that are divine (pound cake and cookies)—and sometimes— smells that are not so divine (burnt popcorn).   This month we say goodbye to our childhood home. It’s the only one I have the  most  memories from my growing up years, and it’s the only one my youngest two siblings remember.    Although some people may see this as a sad event, I tend to look at it with eyes of adventure for my folks.  “Grandleria  and  Grandbuddy”,  as they are known to all our children and grandchildren, will get much more time with tho