A Sacred Surrender

I've been more absent than present from the social scene. The online social scene as well as the "real-life" social scene. I was super weary of reading some of the things we have allowed ourselves (our nation and the world) to fall prey to. So rather than staying angry at the ridiculousness of so much of it, I bowed out. In life reflection and examination (what I think writers constantly do), I learned something about myself: When things get to be too much for me, I bow out. It was during a movie I came to this realization. Jeff and I were watching an old western movie one night and I didn't like where it was headed. There was about to be too much drama for me to handle. I can't remember what movie--but the same thing happens when Marshall Dillon or Festus gets into a pickle (a difficult situation). Anyway, I got up pretending to just go to the kitchen sink to put our empty plates and then moseyed on back to ge...