You know those moments in your life that seem to resurface in your memory at the oddest times? I have a few. Actually, more than a few, and I wish I could pick and choose which ones, and when they popped back up—but I can’t. BUT we can choose how long they stay. If it’s a good one—I say, let it take a seat and you can rehearse all the good things that are tucked inside. If it’s a bad one—take what you learned from it, apply it where needed in your life, then, grab the bulk of it and drag it down to the trash can like an unnecessary document on your computer screen. Don’t rehearse that one. Don’t relive it over and over. It’s damaging to our heart, mind, and soul. There is something you do need to do daily to prevent these unwanted thoughts from recurring: apply God’s Word. You may say, but Angie, I don’t know enough about His Word to apply it. ...