More Than a Test

Hey, y'all. Can you do me a sweet favor? I cannot imagine why/how in the world I could have forgotten how to do things quickly and easily (maybe age??) on my blog--but I'm having trouble having the subscribe button work as it should. Let me know if it works for you. Find it in the upper left corner in the little drop-down menu. :) I have two blogs (actually three if you count the Focus Forward Ministry website). The other blog is actually a combination of the original "Knightly News" (before I bought a domain name), and "Sisters of Faith". It's all squished in there somehow. The odd thing is, even though it's supposed to have captured them all, I cannot find a few of my really oldest blogs....oh well. It happens sometimes, right? Anyway, the other blog is called "Living Intentionally", under . It is the blog I've used for all our mission trips etc. I've blogged since 2007, and the earlier ones ...