Finally, Home.

Yesterday morning, I begrudgingly got out of bed, still exhausted from the previous day; however, I knew my mind wouldn’t let me stay. Too many things racing to be lined up for the day. So many changes this year—they came rushing in on the coattails of last year. We are no longer inching through weeks, months and years; we seem to be rushing headlong into 2024. What does it hold? For many people, much of the same as the last few years, for others, they are headed into the great unknown of dreams and plans long in the making. Some are about to hold a brand-new life, whether their first or third baby, the changes that little one will make will impact the full 24 hours of every-single-day. And many others are about to step into a new job or new school. Those on my mind this morning are the ones who have been handed a more drastic change of life—the last days of having a loved one close by. All of...