Gear UP!

Our oldest grandson has some favorite things: Wrestling, Marvel Movies, family, and a good banana split. Almost in that order. With him being autistic, I've had to learn a new approach on many things in our lives, but especially change when it comes to him. We stick to a routine as much as possible for his sake. This past Saturday we watched a Marvel Movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier. When something is said that catches my ear--I pay attention and generally pause the movie and write it down. I did so last Saturday, when near the end portion of the movie the bad guys were about to go down because the heroes were gearing up. Steve Rogers (Capt. America) turns to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and says these powerful--and true words: "Gear up. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." You know what I'm about to talk about right? There is an absolute war going on. Everywhere. In foreign the p...