Dinner is on the Table

The morning we arrived in Costa Rica, I was a ball of -I don't know what. More than nerves. It was not a bad flight. We flew from Tallahassee to Miami, then on to Costa Rica. It wasn't long--nothing like flying to Cambodia--or even Bolivia! I had neuropathy bad in both feet--and some of my fingers--all due to chemo. I was told--it might not ever go away... We were picked up by members of the team--and greeted with joy and excitement. I was already exhausted. So my excitement level was pretty much faked. I had had one good night's sleep in a row of weeks of tiredness and completing the radiation treatments to finish off whatever hidden cancer cells that might be lurking. The welcoming committee brought the big van--which was a good thing with all luggage we had, plus a trunk of household items, bedding and linens for eight months. That was mighty hard to pack --not really knowing what was available- but knowing for sure it would be too e...