School Starting Assignment

As our students return to school, or those who are beginning for the first time--the most critical thing needed in their lives will not be the cutest backpack or the best writing pens or pencils (although, if you know me--you know I love a great writing pen!). But it will be a prayer covering as never before. Grandparents, we have a job to do--just as important as the parents of these precious ones--from the earliest age of attending pre-school to the highest colleges and universities-- PRAY for them. I cannot express how VITAL this is today. I get very emotional thinking of ours being subjected to all that the enemy is attempting to sidewind them with. He is trying to take them out--because if he can cause a child to doubt God--he will have an inroad to the family unit. Kudos to all parents who are able to homeschool their kids in a safe environment and assist them with social development via homeschool co-ops, church, etc. But for those who aren't able t...