Unexpected Company

I wanted a catchy first line to begin this devotion. A hook. Something to really pull you in so that you would pause and take a seat and talk with me just a minute. But honestly, the words that popped in my mind as I was waking up came with a tune: We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star. I know it sounds ridiculous. After all, most people have stopped listening to Christmas music. I know I have. Haven't played any since Christmas Day. (Of course, the GAC Christmas movies are still playing.) But when I woke up, those lyrics and the music began. Completely out of nowhere. Why? I wondered that myself, but then, as I lay there to get my brain fixed on what day it was--it came to me. I was reminded that the wise men didn't show up at the birth. They showed up on the doorstep. They popped in for a quick visit at the house. Unex...