
School Starting Assignment

As our students return to school, or those who are beginning for the first time--the most critical thing needed in their lives will not be the cutest backpack or the best writing pens or pencils (although, if you know me--you know I love a great writing pen!).  But it will be a prayer covering as never before. Grandparents, we have a job to do--just as important as the parents of these precious ones--from the earliest age of attending pre-school to the highest colleges and universities-- PRAY for them.  I cannot express how VITAL this is today.  I get very emotional thinking of ours being subjected to all that the enemy is attempting to sidewind them with.  He is trying to take them out--because if he can cause a child to doubt God--he will have an inroad to the family unit. Kudos to all parents who are able to homeschool their kids in a safe environment and assist them with social development via homeschool co-ops, church, etc.  But for those who aren't able to --I was like you.

Let's Talk About Marriage

Well, for starters, I know ours has flaws--because WE have flaws.  But I am thankful for where we are today.  We wouldn't have made it though--without major determination.   Jeff preached Sunday at our church.  I always love hearing him--but this time it was from home.  Currently, it sounds worse than it is--but much coughing sounds makes people more nervous than ever.  It's been going finally got me and Jeff.  I guess since his legs are longer, he waded through it faster....who knows.  It has lingered, I can promise you not by invitation. Anyway, he segued a bit in his message because it was nigh impossible to see his notes.  But you know God planted the words of the message--even down to the detour.  Part of the detour took you to a window into our marriage when he talked about an issue he has dealt with in the past.  He talked about his drug addiction and alcoholism.  He didn't give the full blown testimony--it's powerful.  I always come away with the fe

Dinner is on the Table

The morning we arrived in Costa Rica, I was a ball of -I don't know what. More than nerves.   It was not a bad flight.  We flew from Tallahassee to Miami, then on to Costa Rica. It wasn't long--nothing like flying to Cambodia--or even Bolivia!  I had neuropathy bad in both feet--and some of my fingers--all due to chemo.  I was told--it might not ever go away... We were picked up by members of the team--and greeted with joy and excitement.  I was already exhausted.  So my excitement level was pretty much faked.  I had had one good night's sleep in a row of weeks of tiredness and completing the radiation treatments to finish off whatever hidden cancer cells that might be lurking. The welcoming committee brought the big van--which was a good thing with all luggage we had, plus a trunk of household items, bedding and linens for eight months.  That was mighty hard to pack --not really knowing what was available- but knowing for sure it would be too expensive to have to buy it

RELEASE the Outcome

I didn't sleep well last night.  It was one of those "sleep then wake, then sleep then wake...sleep....wake"...repeat- cycles.   I woke with a suddenness at 11:54 PM.  I know --weird that I always remember the time.  I knew who I was supposed to pray for and so I did.  There was a feeling of urgency--which I've had before.  This time, with the need to pray, came the realization that I was not in control of the outcome of the prayer.  I was simply to bind the enemy and plead the blood of Jesus over the protection of the heart and soul and let God do what was needed.   Now, as I sit in my spot in the living room where I talk with Jesus and listen to Him--I felt strongly that someone (besides me) needs to know: It won't always end up like you are wishing for.  When we can stop our wishing and dreaming about the situation and begin to really call on the Lord for the person or the situation that seems to be controlled from an outside source (they don't just "

Gear UP!

Our oldest grandson has some favorite things: Wrestling, Marvel Movies, family, and a good banana split.    Almost in that order.  With him being autistic, I've had to learn a new approach on many things in our lives, but especially change when it comes to him.  We stick to a routine as much as possible for his sake.  This past Saturday we watched a Marvel Movie:  Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  When something is said that catches my ear--I pay attention and generally pause the movie and write it down.  I did so last Saturday, when near the end portion of the movie the bad guys were about to go down because the heroes were gearing up.  Steve Rogers (Capt. America) turns to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and says these powerful--and true words: "Gear up.  If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." You know what I'm about to talk about right? There is an absolute war going on.  Everywhere.  In foreign the political arena, and in homes all over

My Praise = His Provision

There has been hesitancy in writing some things.  Every time I would have a thought-- "Oh, I need to blog that" , then another thought would come--right on it's heels.... "but what would so-and-so think?  Would they think you are referring to them?"  So, I didn't blog it.  I know exactly where it stemmed from.  Years ago, I began easing out of blogging my day to day walk with God, and how I felt about things.  Instead of blogging it, I journaled it.  Currently working on Prayer Journal No. 14. However, recently--very recently, I have felt a need to make sure you knew the importance of having a relationship with Christ.  Not just a Sunday morning event.  But a day-to-day lifestyle of communing with the One who loves you more than you will ever be able to imagine. Many months ago, when I was studying early one morning for my small group I heard in my spirit the following words with a certain force:   "Your provision comes out of your praise".     

Love Them

One of the first things many parents tell our babies is, "I love you", or "Daddy loves you", or "Mommy loves you". It becomes a song that is sang every day in their little ears.  Over and over; from their little christening cap and gown to their graduating cap and gown and even beyond.   Over the years of their growing up-and eventually maturing, you continue to tell them how much you love them.  Unless your child was born an "old soul", the maturing part may not happen until after 25...and possibly even 30.  But you still love them.  You may not love their immaturity--but you love "them". Raising kids is harder now than it was when we were bringing up our two girls.  Cell phones and social media was not in the scope of things.  One of our main worries was, "watch where you walk because there are snakes outside".  "Don't play so close to the road, there are crazy drivers around here!"  We lived on or was surround