
Gear UP!

Our oldest grandson has some favorite things: Wrestling, Marvel Movies, family, and a good banana split.    Almost in that order.  With him being autistic, I've had to learn a new approach on many things in our lives, but especially change when it comes to him.  We stick to a routine as much as possible for his sake.  This past Saturday we watched a Marvel Movie:  Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  When something is said that catches my ear--I pay attention and generally pause the movie and write it down.  I did so last Saturday, when near the end portion of the movie the bad guys were about to go down because the heroes were gearing up.  Steve Rogers (Capt. America) turns to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and says these powerful--and true words: "Gear up.  If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." You know what I'm about to talk about right? There is an absolute war going on.  Everywhere.  In foreign the political arena, and in homes all over

My Praise = His Provision

There has been hesitancy in writing some things.  Every time I would have a thought-- "Oh, I need to blog that" , then another thought would come--right on it's heels.... "but what would so-and-so think?  Would they think you are referring to them?"  So, I didn't blog it.  I know exactly where it stemmed from.  Years ago, I began easing out of blogging my day to day walk with God, and how I felt about things.  Instead of blogging it, I journaled it.  Currently working on Prayer Journal No. 14. However, recently--very recently, I have felt a need to make sure you knew the importance of having a relationship with Christ.  Not just a Sunday morning event.  But a day-to-day lifestyle of communing with the One who loves you more than you will ever be able to imagine. Many months ago, when I was studying early one morning for my small group I heard in my spirit the following words with a certain force:   "Your provision comes out of your praise".     

Love Them

One of the first things many parents tell our babies is, "I love you", or "Daddy loves you", or "Mommy loves you". It becomes a song that is sang every day in their little ears.  Over and over; from their little christening cap and gown to their graduating cap and gown and even beyond.   Over the years of their growing up-and eventually maturing, you continue to tell them how much you love them.  Unless your child was born an "old soul", the maturing part may not happen until after 25...and possibly even 30.  But you still love them.  You may not love their immaturity--but you love "them". Raising kids is harder now than it was when we were bringing up our two girls.  Cell phones and social media was not in the scope of things.  One of our main worries was, "watch where you walk because there are snakes outside".  "Don't play so close to the road, there are crazy drivers around here!"  We lived on or was surround

Cover Them

In my quiet time this morning, I had one of those thoughts that came flying through.  Not a bad thought-but a very clear "picture thought".   The phrase, "cover me-I'm going in" did a fly by in my brain.   I have said it before, I enjoy a good western movie.  Mostly the older ones though.  I don't think they make a western movie any more that doesn't have a barn full of cussing and clothing issues....if you get my drift.  So, I generally stick with the old black and white programs when I want to watch a good western.   It's a shame though. A true shame that we have become so word deficient that we have to rely on bad language to sell a movie.  You can see real quick I could go off on a rant right here if I'm not careful.  So I'll stop and thank God that we actually have had some good movies in the past few years.  Back to the fly-by.  "Cover me--I'm going in", has been said in countless westerns, cop shows, murder mysteries, etc

Green Lights and Pine Straw

I recently remembered something specific that God did for me when we were living in Costa Rica.  I don't know if you ever "write down" or even ask for specific things that are not urgent needs at all, but merely a desire or wish of your own.  Well, I have.  On more than one occasion.  And it is the neatest thing to watch my Heavenly Father in action!  He loves doing things that bring a smile and delight to the heart of His children.  So, I encourage you--ASK. I wrote this down on August 17, 2017 so that I would not forget it.  These were three things that came up in my prayer time that week.  I told no one--only God.  That's when you KNOW that you KNOW that God is the giver of the gift. On Tuesday morning of that week I was sitting on the bed, leaning back against the wall with my Bible and prayer journal in my lap.  I was praying for someone specific to get clearance for something.  I specifically used the words, "grant them green lights".  I remembered say

Be the One

I pulled out the two prayer journals recently, from 2022 and 2023.  I was looking for something I had written down.  I had heard it in my spirit when I was praying.  That happens sometimes.  Not an  every-time-I-pray-occurrence , but when it does, I make note of it and mark the page.  I share it  only  when I feel led.  I feel like we (the church body) are actually  "walking in"  that particular word right now.  Over a year later.    There was one word I was honing in on:  Chaos.   The tornadoes ripped through our neighborhoods in January, and many other types of storms have landed in the lives of our friends and loved ones since then.   It doesn't have to be weather's just life.   In two recent Bible studies with my “small group”, we looked at two women in the Bible.  First, Ruth. The following semester we dove headfirst into a rarely talked about widow woman named, "Anna".    Both Ruth and Anna suffered much loss.  Yet in their loss—they bot

Rut? Or, Revival.

Most of us have a routine.  Bedtime routines and morning routines.  If we have some OCD tendencies we REALLY stick with our routines.  Maybe not as drastic as Jack Nicholson was in the movie, " As Good As It Gets" , but you get my drift.      We often fall into patterns in our life.  Eating at the same restaurant, more for convenience and routine, rather than delectable choices; driving the same route to our favorite destinations; sitting in the same row—same seat at church, etc.  Habits.  The list can go on and on.  I bet now you are examining your morning patterns.   You know what happens in a rut?  Rot. We get so accustomed to doing the same things over and over—we rarely—if ever, think outside the box.     There is no part of being in a rut that feels good.  Ruts hold water when it rains.  It becomes a slick-slimy mess on a rainy day; think old country red clay-dirt-road after a hard-three-day rain.     If you lived on a dirt road in the country—your best neighbor was the