Is it Lamp O'Clock?


I read a post on Instagram about the time of the evening when this particular family (Chris Loves Julia) turned on all the lamps.  


Not overhead lights—just lamps. They called it “lamp-o’clock”.  I’ve been doing that for years and never knew it was a “thing”.  (P.S. they don't know me and I don't know them personally, but I've followed along their moving to North Carolina journey-it was a doozy! FYI--Amazing decorating tips!)


I love lamps (just ask the family members who helped us move).  In every room of our house there is at least one lamp.  Even the kitchen and laundry room.  I prefer lamps over the glaringly bright lights of the overhead fixtures.  Lamps set the tone in the room for a “hushed” or quiet feeling.  I normally only turn on one lamp —unless whatever is going on calls for more light.  The room I'm sitting in right now has five (5) lamps.  Yes,  you heard me right.  Counting my scentsy bird/nest.


For instance:  family or friends over?  All the lamps in the living room get turned on.  Cooking in the kitchen?  The overhead light, the stove light, the sink light, AND the lamp gets turned on.  More light is needed because of what’s going on.  


Winding down for the day?  One bedside lamp gets turned on—maybe even the twinkle lights on the headboard (I used them with greenery at Christmas and decided the lights could stay—they give the room a cozy relaxed feeling.)


Leaving at least one lamp on when I leave the house ensures I don’t walk into a dark house.  Don’t get me started on Christmas lights…. 😉


When I was thinking about lamps and lights as we moved into our new 50 year old home, I reflected on what I wanted to feel when I came home—cozy…relaxed…at home…safe…most of these feelings can be achieved with lamp light.  When I see lamps, I often remember the verse about being the “light of the world”—


Jesus said, “… “I am the light of the world. The man who follows me will never walk in the dark but will live his life in the light.”  John 8:12 (emphasis mine)


And—Jesus tells us:


“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.  Matthew 5:14-16 (emphasis mine). Our good deeds and actions are not for “us” to be seen—but HIM.

As christians, our lives are proven by the Light.  All is revealed—there is nothing hidden from Him.  Most people have things in our lives that we would prefer to never be revealed in the bright light of day—but Jesus knows and sees all things.  I learned a long time ago—if I bring it to the Light and talk to Him about my feelings, my brokenness, or my anger—it can be dealt with and I can be healed from whatever is causing the darkness in my heart—but if I continually pretend it’s not there—or constantly ignore it—further covering it up—it will only grow and the darkness inside will attempt to overtake the light.  

When I bring it out to His full view, only then can a lamp be turned on—a softening is revealed—light chases out the darkness.  Sometimes, we are called to admit our feelings to another person—maybe the one we feel has wronged us and it’s like Jesus walked into the room and His love and glory radiates all around us.  That’s what I picture in my mind when I bring something I’ve held on to so long my hand is sweaty and it’s a crumpled mess.  He stretches out His hand…I stretch out mine—opening my fingers to reveal hurt feelings that are on the brink of becoming a bitter disposition…or a past filled with rejection—knowing full well—that Jesus NEVER rejects us—and only in Him is true healing and hope.

I love having “Lamp-O’Clock” with Jesus.  It’s a time I can sit and pour out what’s inside—He shows me how to sift through—defining what is causing the trouble in my heart.  Is it painful?  Yes…it often is—but the truth of the matter is—when we are done, when all the words have been spilled out of me—I feel the refreshing of His presence as I couldn’t have otherwise-because there were things keeping the lights off and the darkness in.  

My daily -urgent-prayer is that He would keep revealing to me what needs work in my life with His light so that I can be a light for the world to see and be guided to Him.  It is a great joy to sit with Him in the Lamp Light that pushes out the darkness every-single-time.

Is it “Lamp-O’Clock” at your house?

(P.S. I just counted-we have 19 lamps.)

© Angie Knight 2022.  All rights reserved.   Also published in StreetTalk Magazine, March 2022 issue.

God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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