Unexpected Answers-And God's Final Decision

When I opened my mailbox-and saw the letter, complete with World Missions heading--I held my breath.  

This felt a lifetime ago.  However, it was just back at the early part of the summer.  

The letter, I thought at first, was a mistake.  

To catch you up (Start from the very first blog post at the bottom of this blog and read "up")--the first week of March we applied to become fully-appointed--FULL TIME missionaries to our beloved Bolivia.  After many forms, a few essays written, some gut wrenching sobbing (on my part due to the pain of re-living our past lives before Christ in the writing of it all), we submitted and waited.  Not quite patiently, but passionately (as our dear friend Larry Hall prayed for us to).  We had excitement churning in the beginning.  Then, it settled down to the knowledge of all the things we would need to do--all the changes--and we were so good with all the possibilities even the changes.  

We had mentally let go of every possession.  We had made preparations to sell every thing we owned except for what we were taking with us.  Every time the national office asked for more--we submitted  whatever they needed and we would pray.  I will also admit to an internal struggle...what will they say about us?  God's will be done.  On earth--as it is in heaven.

Then we left for Bolivia on May 29.  What tremendous joy filled our hearts as we took a team to our beloved city of Santa Cruz.  While this was our 5th trip together to Bolivia, this was the first for our new ministry, Focus Forward Ministries, Inc.  The Orange Team, as we called ourselves, enjoyed every single moment.  Even the few glitches that happened along the way.  And I cannot describe to you the love and joy we felt that week.  I put myself living there in my mind--in the villages, among the people.

When we returned and the letter wasn't there yet, we decided to just try and relax.  (Funny)

The day it arrived, I was almost afraid to open it.  I think even my heart was preparing my mind for what it would say... it didn't begin with "we regret", but it didn't hold the words we wanted to hear.

They were offering us an opportunity to serve as volunteers in another country--for up to a year with another group.  None of which we felt the burning burden and call to do--like we feel for Bolivia.  Today, after all these days have passed, we both believe strongly--and with all of our being, that God was putting His finger on the work He opened up in the middle of the week while we were in Bolivia.  You can go here and read that for yourself.  And we have joy in knowing that HIS voice is the one we lean in to hear...and it's HIS instructions we are following.  

Jeff made a phone call--so we could at least learn why nothing in the letter was what we had applied for.  The voice on the other end promised to get back with him as soon as he had news.  So, we lean back and gave it fully to God.  

When the phone call came the next day, we learned more.  While we go about our day-to-day events and work, we think nothing of our age.  But obviously when you are nearing retirement, and the year it takes for language school and the year it takes to itinerate,  it's necessary I suppose, on their part to look at the age...  Wouldn't YOU?  I mean when someone is planning to join our team for a mission trip--we look at every part of what makes them who they are.  We don't get the full history--but we do a background check and we get reference from their pastor and some medical info--it's just necessary for so MANY reasons. The board(s) that thoroughly examine each application, turned us in another direction.   I won't pretend to understand--but this I know... GOD KNOWS.

I wrote several weeks ago about God knowing--and me resting in that knowledge.  You really can rest in that when you don't have a clue what's really going on.  

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11 (emphasis mine)

I know when the unexpected happens, or when the plans you plan don't happen like you plan...if you are like me--you blame  yourself.....but ease up on yourself.  Deep breath.  It may not be what you thought--but you can know with assurance--God knows.  He said it, I believe it.  

"For I KNOW".  Because He knows--I don't have to know.  All I have to do is trust.

Let's fast forward, months down the road and let me just say--God has done work in US and in our circumstances.  We have the invitation in writing now and we have been "accepted" as missionary associates to Bolivia! 

Can I tell you JOY has flooded our lives--where the tears and dashed hopes had resided, the flood of joy covered it all.

We went back to Bolivia a few weeks ago to do the planning and preparations for our next mission trip in May of 2016 with our team.  I want to tell you in PERSON what happened--what God did in me--at the turn of every single attack of the enemy--GOD was there. 

Our hearts are full at the prospect of doing what He has called us to do--FULL.  To the point that we overflow (or I do) with tears often--and praise, continually.  Even this moment, of re-writing and re-living those days of waiting, I am amazed and tears fall fresh on my face at His care of every detail.

One thing Jeff and I struggle with, and have all of our married life, is asking for help.  But this will be something we will have to have your help on.  We can't get there and achieve any ministry without you.  Your prayers mean SO MUCH....and your financial support is so important as well.  If you think "I don't have $100 to give"....can I just stop you right there and say-- even an offering of $10 a month steadily is a huge help?  Every-single-bit helps.  God will multiply that $10 to accomplish what He has purposed and planned!

We will begin raising our 2 years worth of support and budget immediately.  If you are interested in helping, please contact either Jeff or myself via facebook or call/text-- we would be honored to have you join us on this journey.  We need need need your prayers.  Please don't stop praying.  We would also love to share our story (the short version) and what God has already started in Bolivia with your church.  It will take us a while to contact every pastor in our district, so feel free to call us first! :)

The little fellow pictured here is reading a card that explains the plan of salvation in Spanish that our crusade leaders had printed.  This little guy is reading...absorbing the life changing news of Jesus Christ.  THAT, my friend is our goal...

So that all may know Him. 



  1. Lord, please provide this gifted couple with all they need to fulfill your call and speed them on their way. Open doors before they knock. Larry and Kathi


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