Cover Them

In my quiet time this morning, I had one of those thoughts that came flying through.  Not a bad thought-but a very clear "picture thought".  

The phrase, "cover me-I'm going in" did a fly by in my brain.  

I have said it before, I enjoy a good western movie.  Mostly the older ones though.  I don't think they make a western movie any more that doesn't have a barn full of cussing and clothing issues....if you get my drift.  So, I generally stick with the old black and white programs when I want to watch a good western.  

It's a shame though. A true shame that we have become so word deficient that we have to rely on bad language to sell a movie.  You can see real quick I could go off on a rant right here if I'm not careful.  So I'll stop and thank God that we actually have had some good movies in the past few years. 

Back to the fly-by.  "Cover me--I'm going in", has been said in countless westerns, cop shows, murder mysteries, etc.  What they were needing was back up.  Someone to watch out for them. Warn them of danger coming up from another direction.

Another phrase that goes along those same lines is "I've got your six".  It doesn't mean, "I have the $6 I owed you from lunch last week".  Six dollars wouldn't even get a coffee these days, much less lunch.  It was the six-o'clock position of the one flying in front.

"I've got your six" was declared by fighter pilots in WWI.  The position of the fighter flying behind--or in the rear position, would radio and let the one in front know he was back there--watching out for the enemy.  They had one another covered so that there were no surprises.  It was a declaration of brotherhood loyalty.

In spiritual warfare, it's as critical as it was for the pilots flying the plane in a war zone.  In the sky--as open targets, they needed someone coming in behind to help guide them through the unknowns. We too need someone coming along with us as we go through the unknowns of life.  We may not be flying a plane in the sky over dangerous territory, but we are walking in a world that has become fraught with perilous dangers on every side.  From the school rooms to the grocery stores--you never know what is coming next!   

We need our prayer warrior brothers and sisters on "our six".  We need someone to tell us, "Hey, I've got you covered."  

A couple of weeks ago, when our third grandson was about to graduate from high school, he was in a car accident.  What could have been fatal, or at the very least, seriously injuring, was an event where he walked out without a single scratch.  The car flipped.  Neither he nor the driver were injured.  

The day it happened we were just living life--working and doing all the normal things.  Going to work. Having lunch. Going home after work.  Cooking supper.  Engaging with family.  Then the phone call came, "Jason's been in an accident."  About six hours from home.  No where near us so that meant it would take a while to get to him.  But guess who was already there?


His Papa J and Dad-Dan left within a couple of hours of the call and drove what seemed like forever hours, picked him up and brought him home safely by 10:00 the next morning.

For several days prior, I had one of those grandmother nudges.  My gut was having feelings.  My spirit was grieved for reasons I didn't know, but I knew I needed to pray.  So, for a few days I was in a constant state of prayer.  At work--praying.  Driving--praying.  Cooking--praying.  Listen, all praying is not done in a closet on your knees.  I mean, it's wonderful when we can have that--but more times than I can count, praying is done just living life.  On the daily.  Under my breath whispers and in my mind and heart conversations with Jesus.  Especially recently.  I may have my quiet time in the morning, but the rest of the day, I am having to pray on the go.  Many times it's "Lord please help me hush".  Or, "Lord please help them right now".  When you work in a funeral home, there is a LOT of praying going on.

The evening the phone call came I knew exactly why I had been feeling like I had.  It's like the Holy Spirit whispered, "This is who and what you were praying for and didn't know".  But He knew.  And by the mercy of God, Jason crawled out of the flipped car and walked away.  And he was the one not wearing a seat belt.

The devil has a target on the backs of this generation.  They need us on their six.  They are yelling, "cover me, I'm going in".  They have entered this world in a precarious time.  A time when common sense is few and far-between.  That was a seed that had to be planted long ago and some just chose to not participate.  

Will you take some time in the next few minutes to ask God to direct you to pray for someone who needs someone to cover them?  They have gone in and they need back-up.  They are facing an enemy that is out for blood--to the death.  It's dark--it's scary.  They've never been this way before--but maybe you have.  Maybe you know JUST how to pray them out of that situation.  I can promise you this:  if you ask God to show you who to pray for --He will.  He will even direct the prayer.  And sometimes it's just a simple, "Father, You alone know what to do.  Please cover them today. Let them know You are there."

Grab your gear.  Let's go in.  They.  Need.  Us.  

" strong—not in yourselves but in the Lord, in the power of his boundless resource. Put on God’s complete armor so that you can successfully resist all the devil’s methods of attack. For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organizations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the unseen power that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil. Therefore you must wear the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground. Take your stand then with truth as your belt, righteousness your breastplate, the Gospel of peace firmly on your feet, salvation as your helmet and in your hand the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Above all be sure you take faith as your shield, for it can quench every burning missile the enemy hurls at you. Pray at all times with every kind of spiritual prayer, keeping alert and persistent as you pray for all Christ’s men and women."  Ephesians 6:10-18 JB Phillips Translation

© Angie Knight. All rights reserved. 

Photo credit: free photo from

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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