A New & Different Anniversary
I have watched God's faithfulness prevail... in every circumstance that has come our way in the past several years.
When cancer said, "It's over", God said, "No, it's just beginning".
Today marks one year, when my doctor sat down in front of me with the results of my latest mammogram and said, "Mrs. Knight, I'm afraid it's not good news." Well, I thought I heard her wrong.
My response was,- "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right". She repeated her statement, with the added words, it's cancer.
Jeff had been busy that Monday morning--he had asked me if I wanted him along, I said "Nope, it's nothing I am sure". So alone I sat hearing the news, yet not alone. God had given me many promises up to that very day--reminding me that HE was always with me. More of the story can be found on our mission blog: www.jeffandangieknight.com, but specifically, the story here on this link.
I have looked back today at just a few pages into the story God has written of my days and HIS presence has again blown me away.
Today, one year ago I may have heard bad news, but it was all used to bring Glory to God. He alone deserves our praise. I praise Him for sending us to just the right physicians for every-single-portion of this journey.
We celebrate today that HIS word is true--HE never left my side, nor will He. His plans are for our good-and not our destruction. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Make your words count. Love your children. Pray continually for them. I learned how to actually "pray continually", as there were days--during chemo, when my words seemed gone, my ability to "think" a clear and cohesive sentence vanished, God yet remained in my mind and heart. I could still praise HIM.
A lot about me has changed. My brown hair is now heavy on the silver highlights... :), I don't work tirelessly any longer. I have learned my limits, and because of making sure I don't complicate my health, I adhere to certain rules. And one biggie--I listen intently. There are things still that bug me about me--but I've given that all over to God. He's teaching me to release control...and let Him DO what is best in every situation. Who are we kidding??...He's in control.
The struggle comes from not realizing it.
Can I give you some "Angie's Helpful Hints"?
- Let go. Let God do whatever He chooses with you;
- Glorify HIM in the process;
- Never hesitate to be kind;
- Love your spouse-show them daily-make hugs muy importante!;
- Kiss. Often. Your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings; etc.
- Make your words tender...so if you have to eat them later, you don't choke;
- Read your Bible daily, pray even more;
- Stop praying your normal, i.e., "now I lay me down to sleep, etc." but really TALK to God. He's waiting for a real conversation from some of us (Mr. Tom Ford -now in heaven having conversations, was always one I loved to hear pray- can we be that for someone in our lives?);
- Lay aside your phone and have deep meaningful conversations with friends;
- Do devotions with your children. No matter their age. It's something they will forever remember;
- When hurt or offended, tell God first. Sometimes He does the work, sometimes He gives us the opportunity to grow and work through something new;
- Listen to your favorite worship music when at home or driving--and WORSHIP Him;
- Get plenty of sleep. Eat nutritious food. Share with others;
- Guard your heart, mind and eyes and ears. If you guard those things, our mouth will follow suit. Remember we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this alone is a big task--but we can make certain choices. Choose wisely.
- Don't forget to thank God for the surprises He puts in our path--there are numerous ones every day!
This may seem like a silly list, but it's things God has taught ME during this time. I just wanted to share it with you--my sweetest times have been devotions with my girls and grandsons. Oh how I want those moments sewn into their hearts and sealed forever.

Happy Anniversary-one year from the "news" to me!
(originally written on August 1, 2017)
© Angie Knight 2017.
All rights reserved. Photography ©
Angie Knight. All rights reserved.
Angie your blog is so encouraging!!! Pienso que si ustd puede aprender Español en todo! My Spanish is hit and miss, but I have faith the Spirit will help you! Y'all are in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteSweet friend, how I love you! I totally get your list as my journey brought me to mostly the same conclusion. You had to endure so much more than me, I can remember feeling guilty because I got off 'easy' - no chemo necessary. The Lord had to gently deal with me on that one. But the fears, the recognizing my finiteness, the desire to leave a legacy by building into the hearts and lives of my family, the loving my Jesus and sharing my story for His glory, all moved front and center in my life. Continuing to pray for you and Jeff. I can't think of a person I'd rather walk this journey with than you, my inspiring friend. Love you dearly. 😘❤️