I Know

Our oldest grandson has autism--and he sticks with a particular phrase or two when you tell him something.  About a year ago, the favored one is "I know".  "I know Nana, or I know Papa".

I tell him, "I love you Rylan", and he responds with, "I know".  When I say, "You're so smart Rylan", he says, "I know".  Now he's not bragging, he's simply stating a fact.  He knows we love him.  And-- he is smart.

One morning while a few years ago, I was driving to Dothan, thinking about our lives and the questions that always seem to hang in the air--this verse came to my mind:  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

This morning two words rolled over and over all by themselves.  "I know".  I realized something--maybe for the first time, "if I know He knows...then I don't have to know."  And I know He knows.  He said so in the Bible.  Often.

I'm no longer (trying really hard) fretting over what we don't know.  It all belongs to Him...and I trust Him completely.

I know  He has opened doors that amazed us in the past several years.  More doors opened for our mission team's trip than we imagined!  More schools.  More opportunities to share Jesus with those who may not otherwise know Him.

There are many things today I would really LIKE to know...but I have to trust Him.  I said I would--to Him, when He first began leading us.

Monday nights, when we lived in Bolivia, I generally always went to a ladies bible study at our church in Santa Cruz.  There were three sweet ladies I knew, one I had met before and three brand new faces.  I kept up (as best I could) with what the discussion was about--based on what the Bible passages they were studying.


What a topic for me.  I had just had a discussion (okay, several discussions) with the LORD and had just really cried before Him about what the obedience was costing me.  (Do you do that?)  Probably not, I imagine you have it way more together than I do....but there I was...in my prayer chair...telling Him yet again how I missed my family and several things about being home.

You know what He said?  "I did too."  He missed heaven when He came down to earth to live--and die....for us.  He missed the steady companionship of God, the Father.  Yes, Jesus is part of the triune Godhead.  When He came to this earth, HE took on our flesh.   Therefore, when Jesus wanted to commune with God on an intimate level, He would get away by Himself to pray--He showed us then and there what the guide was for our own personal prayer lives.


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