For the LOVE of time with My JESUS

Today is February 28, Wanda's birthday.  Actually the 29th was the real-deal birthday--we celebrated whichever day the calendar and year brought us.  

She's celebrating her 14th year in heaven with Jesus.  I believe--with all my heart that she would much rather me encourage you to get right with God--make your eternal destination secure than tell you anything about what a sweet sister she was.  She would love for me to remind. you that the most important thing in life are not's Jesus.  To have a relationship with Him begins with first acknowledging you need Him... go to Him with your true--real-deal-self.  Make Him the priority...not the "if I have time to"...

Grab your coffee, let's sit together for a few minutes while I lean in and share with you a little piece of my life experience.

My very first mission trip was such an eye opening and heart wrenching experience.  As a mom, I love my own children with everything in me, but in the country where I experienced my first mission trip, Honduras, as well as the next (and next and next etc.), I experienced and learned a love that I never knew I could have.  A love for children who were not my own and who I would likely never see again.


In a hurry to meet us on the first morning, Honduran, Stephanie grabbed one wrong flip-flop.  She meant to be in line with those boys when our bus topped the hill when we arrived for our work and the kids activities that day in her village.  It didn’t matter to her how she got there, just as long as she arrived.  I know she grabbed the wrong shoes because the next day, she had on one of the same ones, and it’s mate.


Stephanie with mis-matched flip-flops
(Walking with Marcella Scurlock)

This brought a question to my heart.  Are we in that big of a rush to meet with Jesus?  


Are we in a hurried scramble each morning, hoping not to miss an opportunity to show Him how much we love Him?  How we NEED time with Him?  

I’ve had times where I passed this test, and many more times where I failed and rushed to get the day going before going to Him.


Some people work best under pressure—I much prefer to take my time, plan things out—cross all the “t’s” and dot all the “i’s”.  There have been a few times though, I got distracted on my way to meet with Jesus in my morning devotion.  I might spy some laundry in front of the machine, decide now is a good time to put on a load to wash—you know—while I read and pray.  OR worse still, get a notification and wind up down the rabbit hole of social media…. You too?  

Or sometimes my feet feel the grainy remnants of yesterday on the floor.  I grab the broom.  As I step on the sidetracks of the morning, I remind myself of my purpose.


Spend time with Jesus.  

Meet with Him.  

Go to Him.  First.  While the day is yet fresh—without the beads of perspiration.  


One of many things I have taken away from every mission trip is the way the children would run to meet us every single morning.  Who knows how long they waited at the top of the hill or at the gate of the entrance to the church or school yard.  They were serious about not missing anything we had to offer.  We had Jesus.  And some candy.  They were really interested in both.


I want my life to look like that to Him.  

Anxiously waiting with excitement to what He might bring me that day.  It’s critical.   

Whether my flip-flops match or not, I want Him.

The more I hear or read the news around the world, I see the seriousness of the state of the world…the sad state of many hearts.  Even hearts that once knew Jesus have decided it’s more “in style” to be more like the world… that saddens me.


Friend, I don’t know where you are reading this-or the condition of your heart/soul,—but this I do know:  We don’t have much more of the journey ahead.  Make it your business to meet with Jesus in the quiet place.  The early place.  Give Him your day—before it takes over your mind….let Him have it all.


If I could look you straight in your eyes, I would tell you that spending time with Jesus will be the thing that will carry your through whatever is coming at you next.  Rest assured, something IS coming next.  I’ve wrapped my arms around several ladies recently who has lost a loved one—and while my heart breaks for them—only Jesus can meet them in the pain they are carrying.  Only HE can mend the brokenness they feel at this very moment.


So, without hesitation and wasting any more time, set your clock for time with Him.  Make that your mission for the month of March.  See how much time you can get with Him…and see how that one single decision changes the course of your day.

© Angie Knight 2022.  All rights reserved.  


© Angie Knight God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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