Awakened to Pray

This morning before the alarm, the Holy Spirit woke me suddenly from sleep with the name of someone.  Very distinct.  I know when this happens, there is a war going on--of some kind.  I immediately got up.  The other end of the house is quiet and that is where I headed.  

It was still dark outside, just barely beginning to see the outline of trees--I could tell it was cloudy because the moon was not visible.  But I knew beyond the clouds-- there is a war being waged against all believers.  You may not feel its effects today--but hang on honey--you will.

I just now sent this prayer to four prayer warriors because we all know the person needing the prayer.  I wanted to share it with you simply because you might need it too.  Feel free to take it and change whatever you need to.  I adapted a portion of a prayer from a book called "Prayers That Avail Much" by Germaine Copeland.

  “Father, in the name of Jesus, I come boldly to Your throne of grace and present ________ before You. 
I stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of _________, knowing that the Holy Spirit within me takes hold together with me against the evils that would attack and attempt to hold him in bondage.  I unwrap him from the bonds of any wicked thing/force that would set itself against Your throne—rebellion, pride, arrogance, bad decisions--anger —bitterness—selfishness—disrespectful to authority—all manner of sinful nature and wickedness with prayer.  We take up our shield of faith and quench every fiery dart of the adversary that would come against _________.  

Father, YOU say that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.  You say for us to cast out demonic forces in the name of Jesus.  We know that _______ is not possessed—but he is oppressed and attacked by the enemy, seemingly from all sides.  

In the name of Jesus we claim _________’s body, soul, heart and spirit to the will and purposes of God.  We claim his mind, will, and his emotions to the will of God and to the truth and deliverance found only in the blood of Jesus.  We bind his mind to the very thoughts, feeling and purposes of Christ and that Christ would be within him.  

We loose every old, wrong, ungodly pattern of thinking, stinking attitude and disrespectful nature to authority, every wrong--and prideful idea, desire, belief, motivation, habit and behavior from ________.  We tear down, crush, smash and destroy every stronghold associated with these things and ask right now, that YOU would remove every single individual who is being used as a device of satan against YOUR child, ____________.  

We loose the strongholds of unforgiveness, fear, distrust and hard feelings that has been working in his life. We bind the wrong and loose the victory over any sin--recognized or unrecognized- in his life right now.  I ask right this very night that YOU would commission Your ministering spirits to go forth and  provide the necessary help and assistance for __________ to make wise decisions.  I ask that the assistance from Heaven’s Throne room would come now and cover ____________ and even his bedroom and drive out any force that may be trying to dwell there and make a destructive path in that home.  

Father we lay a firm hold on _______’s salvation that the enemy can not come against nor tear apart.  
I speak right now of things that are not as though they were,  for I choose to look at the unseen-- the eternal things of God and I say satan shall not get an advantage over ___________.  I pray—claim and rejoice over the coming victory.  We don’t know what is ahead—but we know that this generation has got to have prayer power and we are claiming that right now over all our young adults, teenagers and children.  Grant them wisdom beyond their years and reveal Your purposes to them as they each one -step out in faith.  

In Christ’s most holy name we pray and believe wholeheartedly -Amen."

Friends, I don't know if you have someone in your life who is in a situation where it seems they can't get free from the attacks of the enemy--whether it be sickness--sinful living--or any destructive behavior--but I know they need YOU to stand in the gap for them--pray that prayer of faith--and keep praying whether you see any changes or not.  Speak out truth from God's word against all activity you see to the contrary.  Don't stop.  Don't slow down--this is the last leg of this race and we have got to do all we can to equip those coming behind us.  

I cannot imagine where I would be today if I had not had Holy Ghost filled praying grandparents or a praying mother.

© Angie Knight God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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