You know those moments in your life that seem to resurface in your memory at the oddest times?  I have a few.  Actually, more than a few, and I wish I could pick and choose which ones, and when they popped back up—but I can’t.  BUT we can choose how long they stay.  If it’s a good one—I say, let it take a seat and you can rehearse all the good things that are tucked inside.  If it’s a bad one—take what you learned from it, apply it where needed in your life, then, grab the bulk of it and drag it down to the trash can like an unnecessary document on your computer screen.  Don’t rehearse that one.  Don’t relive it over and over.  It’s damaging to our heart, mind, and soul.


There is something you do need to do daily to prevent these unwanted thoughts from recurring:  apply God’s Word.  


You may say, but Angie, I don’t know enough about His Word to apply it.  How do I go about that?  


Well, if you have a Bible, I suggest you turn to Ephesians 6.  Now, let me tell you the whole chapter is good (the whole BOOK is good), but let’s look at verse 10 and go from there.  (A funny side note, this morning when I went to my YouVersion Bible App the very passage Ryan Leak was speaking about came from Ephesians 6!  So, I knew I needed to complete this devotion that I started over a week ago and get it posted.)


“Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.”  Well, if you began reading at verse one you would know that the word “finally” is the conclusion of Paul giving some final teaching—or training to the church at Ephesus.  They had issues.  It reminds me of what a teacher might say to the class he or she is about to graduate to the world.  It’s more than a list of dos and don’ts.  


The point was—when you need strength—for whatever is going on in your life—there is but one place to go: The LORD; our Heavenly Father—GOD, who made the heavens and the earth.  Nothing is impossible with Him.  He is your source of strength no matter the situation.


Paul wrote, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil.”  Then he explains why: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.”  
He’s not saying our struggle is against earthly rulers—but those working for Satan.  Those forces who are not visibly seen but are there, nonetheless.


“For THIS reason, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil dayand having prepared everything, to take your stand.  Stand, therefore, with the truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.  (Ephesians 6:13-15, emphasis mine)


“In every situation take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit—which is the word of God.  Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:16-18) 

[Do you think we are living in the evil day?  Watch much news?]


I may have told you this particular incident before—but it bears repeating.  When we were living in Bolivia I was blessed to be able to spend the first hours every morning tucked in a little room beside our bedroom that we used as an office and my closet.  I sat in a chair and was able to look out of the window each morning as the sun began to rise as I prayed.  I watched the blanket of darkness slowly change colors with edges of yellow, orange, pink and finally the sky would open up to reveal the condition or weather of the day.  Cloudy—or sunny.  


I remember distinctly one morning—we had somewhere to go and I said aloud as I stood in front of the hanging clothes, “What do I need to wear today?”  It was a question to myself (you probably don’t talk to yourself like that).  The Holy Spirit whispered—into my heart, “put on ALL the armor.  He emphasized the word “ALL”.  And then I felt Him whisper, “you’re going to need it”.  


Friend, there hasn’t been, nor ever will be a time (day, week, month or year) when we don’t need the FULL armor of God.  Now more than ever.  


Life crisis?  Shield of faith is primary.  That shield will protect you from the arrows of doubt that will undoubtedly be hurled toward you at some point in the day.  The very first arrow of doubt landed smackdab in the mind of Eve when the serpent said, “Did God really say?”


In today’s social media crazed society there is constant comparison with others—doubt is the biggest arrow that flies.  


·      My kitchen isn’t white like hers

·      My house or boat isn’t as big

·      My car isn’t as new

·      My children aren’t as tidy or well behaved…


This list goes on forever…


Where’s your shield?  

Those doubts about your worth are being targeted by the enemy and you aren’t even holding up your shield!  It’s not for decoration like one of those cute wooden bowls that has a sticker on the bottom that says “for decoration only, not food safe”—it’s for USE.  I don’t care if you embellished and blinged it out the wazoo—USE IT.  


The Holy Spirit was exactly right.  I was going to need it.  I still need it all today.  I can tell you for a fact, the days I don’t spend quality time (not the amount of time—but HOW did I spend my time), with the LORD—my day is a mess before it even gets started.

I would like to take the next few weeks and talk about the full armor of God… Are you interested in following along?


I had originally intended for this devotion to be published for the February edition of StreetTalk Magazine.  With space constraints, and the fact that I couldn’t edit it down enough I chose to use something else —& I realized… February is VALENTINE’S month!


Probably 90% of my readers have no clue or even access to StreetTalk Magazine.  It’s a free magazine that is available in the tri-county area where we live.  Subscriptions are mailed out—and copies are available for pick-up at many restaurants and home-town stores in Washington, Jackson and Holmes County Florida.  The Lord opened a door in 2011 for me to write a devotion for the magazine and I’ve been sharing ever since.



© Angie Knight 2023.  All rights reserved.   Photo from free stock at

God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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