In Times Like These--We Pray

My prayer for you today (you know who you are):

Father, how amazing are Your ways!  Daily, You astound me with the details You take care of on my behalf.  Why do we worry?  You have the map and the plan.  This morning You woke me early to pray for some children of Yours who need Your presence to be so real to them today.  I don't know how You plan to show up for them today--but I know that You will.  I trust You --not only because I've experienced it myself...but I trust You because of Who You are.  There is no wondering "if", with You.  You are the I AM.

Father, I ask this morning that You would be the wall of fire around them--to lead, guide, guard and protect them from the onslaught of the enemy who is always bent on their complete discouragement and destruction of the ministry.  I ask this morning that You would annihilate the plans of the enemy.  I call on You on their behalf -for the destruction of the enemy.  Raise up the walls of protection today.  Whatever the enemy has tried to assign to them--I pray that it is put down and destroyed--once and for all.  Whatever schemes he has planned to put them in a pit of despair--I ask for the joy of the LORD to become their strength today!  All the places in their hearts, minds and bodies to be healed --IN JESUS NAME!

This morning I read in Your Word- which is indisputably all powerful--that YOU hear us--and answer us--and will be WITH us in our times of trouble.  Father, this season has been filled with troubles--but YOU have shown Yourself true at each turn.  We know the plans You have for us are good--to give us hope and a future with You--and I ask that today, You would remind them that despite all the troubles, sickness and heartbreak they have seen--that this world is NOT our home.  I ask that today would be the day that the enemy is put down.  That the tables would be turned in their favor.  That the reports would be favorable for them and not those who have planned to disrupt and destroy the work YOU are accomplishing in their midst.

Father, You placed a call on their lives to do something significant for the growth of Your Kingdom and the enemy has tried every way to bring discouragement just after every piece of good news they receive....LORD, let this be the day that Your power is made known in the midst of those they are helping and working with.  BRING HEALING.  To the body, mind and soul.  Holy Spirit, saturate their being today with a calmness that they didn't expect in a day of busy activities.  

Father, I am so thankful to be able to see the activity of holiness going on in their lives.  I am thankful to know they have taken a stand to be a voice for those who have no voice.  I am thankful for all that You do for us daily--the things we see and those things we may never know about until we get Home.  Thank You for the journey.  Thank You for teaching and equipping us with the power needed to accomplish all that You have called us to do.  Thank You for healing our bodies and giving us the strength we need to continue to pursue Your ways.  Thank You for revealing truth to us daily.  Keep us mindful of Your presence.  Help us to remain fixed in the Vine.  Help our focus to remain on You at all times, no matter what circumstances we are faced with, and help us to seek and see the good.

We give You praise for all that You have done--are doing--and what You are going to do in our midst and on our behalf.  May Your name be glorified today as Your holiness is exposed all around us!  Let it be so--in Jesus holy name we pray and fully believe, Amen.

© Angie Knight God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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