Facts and Truths

Yesterday, when I sat down to write and pray, I did what I always do: write the date.  August 1, 2023.  I knew immediately what Wednesday, August 2, 2023 would represent.  Seven years since the diagnosis of breast cancer marched into my ears, as if it was going to take up permanent residence.  It was not.

There are some things that chemotherapy snatched away from my memories--but that day feels as if it is grounded in concrete with rebar.  After my physician, Dr. Sheffield, came into the room and gave me those words--I was not even sure I heard her correctly.  But I mentally shook myself alert as the facts sank in.  I almost typed the word "truth sank in", but the truth is--the TRUTH had already sank in--years before.  These were simply some current facts of life.

The TRUTH was and is--I am fearfully and wonderfully made--and no weapon formed against me shall prosper.  These are truths that had so knitted themselves into my soul that even this morning as I type them--I am reminded -and feel the strength and power that comes with that knowledge.

The next thing on the movie reel of that day as I stepped to the bathroom from the exam room was seeing Dr. Sheffield fervently at work behind the big desk; grabbing the phone as one of her staff walked in the area to see if she needed anything.  I remember distinctly Dr. Sheffield's words, "We've got to _____, she's our missionary and has work to do".  The blank is a blur.  It possibly was "help", as her head was bent and her voice more into the phone than the air, I didn't quite catch it to guard it for later.  But I do remember the rest..."she's our missionary".

If I'm being honest (and I promised you I would), I don't feel much like a missionary.  Oh, then I did.  Yes, I had a mission ahead and nothing or no one could deter or dissuade me.  My eyes were fixed on the goal:  Bolivia.  And as God had planted that burden in my heart, I knew already that come hell or high-water--or even cancer, I was going.   I was like that kid that has that one raggedy old toy that needs to be washed and mended--but won't let go--I was not letting go.  

Someone was telling me recently about a mission meeting somewhere, and wasn't I going?  My quick reply, I'm not a missionary anymore (saying this because we no longer live in Bolivia).  I instantly regretted saying it--but the fact is--I'm not where I thought I would be doing my mission work.  THE TRUTH is, I'm where He planned for me to be all along.  

I remember teaching a group of young adults that we are all missionaries leading others to Christ by the way we conduct our lives and walk with Him, through the thick of darkness in the battle--as well as the sunshine of victory.  "I am too a missionary."  I had to insert the word "too" because I could hear the voice of the kid in me as if the enemy [saying, you are not a missionary], trying to talk me out of being what God called me to be, and my defiant reply: "I am too a missionary!"  The fact is I am not in my second homeland, Bolivia.  The TRUTH is--I'm where God needs me to be-both for my family and friends, our health, and those who He has already lined up to cross our path in the future.

Hey, I don't know what you feel called to do in the work of the Lord.  I don't know if you feel like your job is your calling--or if you are still working through to "that place" of calling.  Maybe you feel completely at peace with your instructions.  

Maybe you have said "yes" but not sure what you said "yes" to, and have no instructions, but you definitely have a willing heart to go wherever He sends. You. Are. A. Missionary.  You are in this to give this.  The Lord so changed your life that you want others to know Him and walk in the freedom you have experienced, YOU are a missionary.

We think missionaries all move to foreign countries to do the work of being a herald of the Gospel.  Some do.  Some do that very thing right here in our small towns and our big cities.  And some are called to the small countryside places.  The Truth is--we are all called to share the Gospel wherever we are--and sometimes He calls us further down the road.

The Lord reminded me awhile back of those who I've been able to share my testimony with, those I've been able to pray for, all while working at the funeral home.  I always feel a certain excitement when I've been able to give some of what He's given me -to someone who needs the encouragement.  

The facts are, things may look dark in your current situation, but the TRUTH is,  joy comes in the morning.  It doesn't stay night forever.  

Scripture references:

Psalms 139:15
Isaiah 54:17
Psalms 30:5

© Angie Knight 2023. All rights reserved. 

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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