Be the One

I pulled out the two prayer journals recently, from 2022 and 2023.  I was looking for something I had written down.  I had heard it in my spirit when I was praying.  That happens sometimes.  Not an every-time-I-pray-occurrence, but when it does, I make note of it and mark the page.  I share it only when I feel led.  I feel like we (the church body) are actually "walking in" that particular word right now.  Over a year later. 


There was one word I was honing in on:  Chaos.  

The tornadoes ripped through our neighborhoods in January, and many other types of storms have landed in the lives of our friends and loved ones since then.  It doesn't have to be weather's just life.


In two recent Bible studies with my “small group”, we looked at two women in the Bible.  First, Ruth. The following semester we dove headfirst into a rarely talked about widow woman named, "Anna". 


Both Ruth and Anna suffered much loss.  Yet in their loss—they both headed straight to the place (or in Ruth's circumstance, stayed with the person) where they found peace and comfort.  Ruth’s heart was so tied to Naomi as a daughter-in-law, then as a daughter (after her own husband died), Ruth vowed not to leave her side.  


For Anna, it was the temple of God.  Anna moved right in after being widowed only seven years into marriage.  She lived there.  Not just her body—but her heart and mind.  She busied herself with the things of God.  Praying, fasting and serving in the temple daily. 


What happens when we suffer loss?  It doesn't have to be a death--it could be the loss of a friendship, job opportunity, the loss of a dream of what we thought our child would grow up to become...or maybe even the loss of our joy, or the plans we had made. You name it—and I'm sure we can find others who have suffered the same or similar loss in their life.  Where did you go at your time of loss? 


From a close distance we often watch others as they traverse the chaotic territory of the unknown.  But what if we put on our cleaning gloves and grabbed our bucket and said, "let me help you with this"?  I can tell you from experience, when someone shows up with the tools in hand to help—a wave of relief floods your heart.  


Several years ago, I was packing for two trips at the same time.  Two trips and three events = THREE piles:  1) Costa Rica (eight months); 2) Bolivia another eight; and finally, 3) The keep pile, for when we returned.  Even though we were not sure when we would return, we felt at some point, we would.


Gayle, called me one morning in all the chaos of my packing and sorting.  She could hear the tears and anxiety in my voice.  At the time, I was going through radiation treatments and had just a very few more to go before leaving.  I had no energy to pack, and my reasoning [because of radiation and chemotherapy] was completely shot.  


The next thing I knew, she had pulled up at my house and had about eight clear containers with lids.  She walked in, hugged me and then set to work giving me the instructions I needed.  She lined the boxes up against the walls on the floor in an empty room and taped a sheet of paper above each box marked for its destination:  Costa Rica, Bolivia, and Store it.  


When I saw it, I could think better.  It's amazing how that one simple act changed me from chaotic to calm.  She was working under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  God was working through her—in my opinion, she was sent by Him.


We all need that person in our lives.  The one who follows the unction of the Holy Spirit and can fortify our hearts and minds when we are at a low point.  We were never meant to walk this life alone.  Harmony, in my opinion, is much better than solo. 


That's what we are to be for each other.  The one who accompanies us on our life journey.  Helping us in the times when we need "Jesus" with skin on right now.  


Believers are meant to be like Jesus to others.  


What others?  Those hurting.  Those in need. The widows and orphans.  We are the ones who offer a drink of water to the thirsty.  A meal to the hungry.  A shoulder to the ones who are weeping.  We are the ones who pray with the sinner—showing them the way to the Savior.


That's what the Church is supposed to be. They need someone to BE the sermon.  Be the one who lives out the love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ right in front of them, helping them up as they walk through the storm of their life.  We cannot solve their problems, but by prayer, living the example with love, we can show them the way to Him.


We collaborate with the Holy Spirit and He gives us directions on how to go about helping others.  Just like my friend did for me.  The Holy Spirit gave her directions and she followed through.  Just like He did for Ruth when she vowed to help Naomi and not leave her side.  Just like He did with Anna when she dedicated her life to serving in the temple—she was serving God with everything in her by serving others.  


Only as we work together can we make a difference.    

Be the one who helps.  

Be the one who prays.  

Be the one who listens.  

Be the one who gives.

Be the one who goes beyond what is expected.  

Be the one who leads the world to the One.  

© Angie Knight 2024. All rights reserved. (This will also be published in StreetTalk Magazine, June 2024 edition.)

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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