RELEASE the Outcome

I didn't sleep well last night.  It was one of those "sleep then wake, then sleep then wake...sleep....wake"...repeat- cycles.  

I woke with a suddenness at 11:54 PM.  I know --weird that I always remember the time.  I knew who I was supposed to pray for and so I did.  There was a feeling of urgency--which I've had before.  This time, with the need to pray, came the realization that I was not in control of the outcome of the prayer.  I was simply to bind the enemy and plead the blood of Jesus over the protection of the heart and soul and let God do what was needed.  

Now, as I sit in my spot in the living room where I talk with Jesus and listen to Him--I felt strongly that someone (besides me) needs to know:

It won't always end up like you are wishing for.  When we can stop our wishing and dreaming about the situation and begin to really call on the Lord for the person or the situation that seems to be controlled from an outside source (they don't just "seem" to be--they are.  100%), then and only then can God do ALL that He needs to do to open their eyes.

We have to allow God to work fully without our interference.  You may say, "well Ang, what do you mean I'm interfering?"  

Are you still talking about it?  Are you still reminding them of what they are doing and how it is destroying their future or even destroying you?  Or, how it is ________________, you fill in the blank.  I don't have a clue what your situation is...but I know human nature.  A lot of us are like bulldogs.  We get a tight hold on OUR perspective and we will not turn loose.  After all, WE are the ones who see clearly... right?  Well, sometimes that might be true--but WE are not the ones to shine the light in their eyes.  Only God can do that.  All we are doing is playing right into the devil's hands.  Because as the Miranda Rights go:  "You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can be used against you...."  I am not saying go into "silent treatment mode"....what I am saying is this:  take it to Jesus and leave it there.  Let Him figure it out.  If He needs you --He will call you.  

Friends, I can ONLY tell you this from experience.  Hard won experience.  And the prize at the end was peace.   Complete and 100% peace.  ONLY because I learned to let it go.  The cliché  "let go and let God" is actually the only way to peace.

Did my prayer get answered the way I wanted?  

What do you think?  Something incredible happened in the course of my years of praying for a situation to change:  The prisoner was set free.

            I was the prisoner.

Sometimes --as much as it pains me to say this, we have to "let it go".  Or, let them go.  I know the song (if you have young kids) just hit that place in your head that might feel like fingernails and chalkboard.  But the LORD reminded me as I was praying last night--I have been praying for this person.  I have taken this name to God for a long time. Now, it was time to believe that God is working and when He works, true vision--not rose-colored glasses -- is clear.  A real 20/20.

The outcome may look different than what we had drawn out in our sketch pad of hopes and dreams.  The process, I can ASSURE you--will be different.  

My mother has always taught us to pray, "God's will be done".  

    But, Angie--what if I don't like the way this is going?  What if it causes more pain?  Haven't I (or insert the person's name) endured enough?

Oh dear brother or sister, I can assure you there will be more pain. 

Can I tell you another prayer she taught us?  "Whatever it takes, God."  Do whatever it takes to save their soul.  What's more important?  Our lives being the pretty picture we imagine and want, or their salvation...

I won't get into whether or not you think they are saved.  Signs of a true relationship with Christ are evident in a person's life.  And if they are not visible to the outside world--chances are they are not where they should be with God.  So stop praying for the outcome you want.  Pray for their salvation.  Pray for their life to be changed--whatever He needs to do to get their attention... take your hands off and let go.

The hardest prayer I have ever prayed was for my daddy to give his life "for real" to Jesus.  Not to get him out of a mess.  Not so that he would be the daddy he needed to be...but for a real--life changing salvation.

The road was long--painful and involved many hard years of him fighting against what his whole family was praying for.  I wasn't the only one praying.  His mama, his wife, children, and many other members of the family were praying.  It was a "do whatever it takes to open his eye to his lostness" type of prayer.  God did.  For him, it took real prison.  

I can promise you this:  95% of the time--it won't look like you are dreaming about.  It will be transformative for you though--because peace will replace all the fears that right now have you trapped.

I have this passage highlighted and most likely tear stained in my Bible: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways." This is the LORD's declaration. "For as heaven is higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

There is never a place or time that God does not see right into the heart of every human being. He knows your heart and your desire--and it's absolutely okay to tell Him your hopes and your dreams...but please, after you tell Him what your desires are, remind Him that above your own desires, you want HIS will done. For your own peace--release the outcome of your prayer.

I'm praying with you and for you.  Know that.  I don't need to know the details you are facing to take your name to Jesus.  He knows.  He's walking WITH you and will NEVER leave your side.  That is a promise in the Word of God.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble".  Psalm 46:1

Very present means VERY PRESENT.  He's right there.  It's okay to let go.  It's okay to cry about it.  It's okay to want it your way--but release it KNOWING that He has the bigger picture and the bigger plan.  He knows the heart of every human...remember?  He knows what it will take.

Releasing the outcome doesn't mean you don't care.  It actually means you care so much you are willing for it not to be the way YOU wanted.  I'm not saying it won't come back around...I'm saying it's all part of the process of following and trusting God.

Can I make a suggestion to you?  Now, this is just a suggestion.  It's what I would do and have done.  Get away for a few days.  If you have small kids--let granny or auntie keep them.  Get away to a quiet and tranquil place and seek God.  Spend time with God.  Pray...and leave the results to Him.


© Angie Knight. All rights reserved. God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


  1. I love reading your blog. It is a blessing and great learning tool for me.


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