School Starting Assignment

As our students return to school, or those who are beginning for the first time--the most critical thing needed in their lives will not be the cutest backpack or the best writing pens or pencils (although, if you know me--you know I love a great writing pen!).  But it will be a prayer covering as never before.

Grandparents, we have a job to do--just as important as the parents of these precious ones--from the earliest age of attending pre-school to the highest colleges and universities--PRAY for them.  I cannot express how VITAL this is today.  I get very emotional thinking of ours being subjected to all that the enemy is attempting to sidewind them with.  He is trying to take them out--because if he can cause a child to doubt God--he will have an inroad to the family unit.

Kudos to all parents who are able to homeschool their kids in a safe environment and assist them with social development via homeschool co-ops, church, etc.  But for those who aren't able to --I was like you.  I didn't have the ability to homeschool because we've almost always been a two income family (with the exception of when they were babies and toddlers, before they reached kindergarten.).

Put your hand on their head (I believe in laying on of hands for prayer) and pray over them --every-single-day.  Let them grow up feeling the comfort that that very action brings.  Pray the Word of God over them.  You don't have an excuse.  "I don't know how" is not an excuse.  There are tons of examples online. Here is a good place to start (click the link here).  (Edited to add another link.)  Read it over them aloud.  Let your voice of affirmation and thanksgiving for them be the last thing they hear as they leave your home/car.  I'm not playing.  Rebuke the devourer off of them.  Proclaim their hearts to be filled with the Spirit of God and the gentleness of the Holy Spirit to surround them and teach them in all His ways.

"Father, I thank You for my child, ___________.  I thank You for the gift that they are to my life and our family.  I thank You that you have Your hand on him/her, and that You already have a plan for his/her life.  I thank You that no weapon formed against them will prosper.  I thank you that You have given them the mind of Christ-- and they have the ability to discern right from wrong--good from evil.  I thank You that they choose to follow Your leading every day.  

Thank you, Father for the strength that You are giving them daily as they face battles- that they may learn first hand how to lean on and trust in You.

Father, I pray that out of Your glorious riches--You are strengthening _________ in his/her heart and mind and he/she is being firmly rooted in faith, daily through Your Word.  I pray he/she is being established in love and that his/her faith is increased to grasp how wide--long--high and deep is your love and to know this love that surpasses all knowledge --You are now filling them to overflowing with the knowledge of Your love for them.  Help him/her be a light in the darkness.  Help him/her see the needs in the lives of others and create in him/her a compassionate heart.  Protect the very hairs of his/her head-- and saturate him/her in Your presence.  

I give my child to You, Father, to grow and develop into the man/woman You created him/her to be.  In Jesus most holy name--I believe You and trust You.  Amen.

Your prayer can be just one sentence.  Whatever it is or, however long it is, let your voice of love and joy be the voice that carries them throughout the day--reminding them they have been created by God--with and for a purpose.  Remind them they are good--and they are smart.  Remind them they love to help others.  Thank them for having a kind and generous spirit.  What you sow INTO them--you will reap from them.

If you get angry and they see that--and cuss and carry on--and they hear that--they will think that is a good pattern to follow.  The habits YOU have --they will mimic.   

Remember to sow God's love and His Word into them so that they have a good foundation when life gets rocky.  (And it will.)

We can't "unsay" words or "undo" actions.  If they hear you ridicule them for anything--I can promise you when they are discouraged about anything they fail at in school--the devil will bring back every hurtful thing ever said to them.  That's his job--to destroy the heart and hope we have in Christ. 

We have to do our jobs.  Pray for our children--grandchildren--great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews--all those we know and love. 

 Prayer is the weapon that will take down the enemy.

© Angie Knight. All rights reserved. God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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