I Prayed for You

On October 25th, of this year, I had been praying in my prayer time, and the Holy Spirit gave me a word that I wrote out in my prayer journal.  I found it again this morning, feeling prompted to pull that particular book open- as tears filled my eyes--it spoke afresh to me this morning.  I feel like there is another who needs this word this morning:

"For I, the Lord God, am your everlasting Provider.  There is nothing that I cannot supply.  Your trust is secure in Me.  I do not fail.  I have called you and will keep you.  Do you understand how I had all these things already in My sight?  I knew you before you were born.  I have already equipped you with the necessary weaponry to fight any battle--use what you know.  I am FAITHFUL.  Don't forget all I have already brought you through."

In all my years of walking with God, I have learned that HE is always faithful.  We will go through battles and times when we feel are the deepest places of despair in our lives--but those times are allowed to draw us TO HIM.  The enemy plants distractions and all manner of mayhem in our path to keep our minds AWAY from the Word and promises of God. (Mayhem that is worse than the AllState commercial.)

I was prompted this morning--"remind them to get in the WORD"--for the Word of God is our sharp weapon and Jesus gave us the example of using it when He was tempted by the devil.  The foe is defeated through the power of our words when we USE THE WORD of GOD!

I had just typed out more--but deleted it because I believe this is all He wanted to remind us of today.

I took this picture years ago to remind myself later--what God CAN and will do.
He IS our Deliverer and the Restorer of our lives.

Pull up a memory in your heart of what HE has done for you--and remind yourself--HE is still able to do EXCEEDINGLY AND ABUNDANTLY MORE.....

© Angie Knight 2024. All rights reserved. God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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