Unexpected Company

I wanted a catchy first line to begin this devotion.  A hook.  Something to really pull you in so that you would pause and take a seat and talk with me just a minute.  But honestly, the words that popped in my mind as I was waking up came with a tune:

We three kings of Orient are;

bearing gifts we traverse afar,

field and fountain, moor and mountain,

following yonder star.

I know it sounds ridiculous.  After all, most people have stopped listening to Christmas music.  I know I have.  Haven't played any since Christmas Day.  (Of course, the GAC Christmas movies are still playing.) But when I woke up, those lyrics and the music began.  Completely out of nowhere.  Why?  I wondered that myself, but then, as I lay there to get my brain fixed on what day it was--it came to me.  I was reminded that the wise men didn't show up at the birth.  They showed up on the doorstep.  They popped in for a quick visit at the house.  Unexpected company.

He's HERE!  He's born!  I can imagine their joy--bursting at the seams--faces almost breaking with expressions of gladness!  I think they felt they had been waiting forever for this very moment:  When their eyes would fasten onto the King of Kings.  The one who had cast a specifically named star in the sky and then proceeded to be born of a young woman who had never been with a man.  

Watching the night skies.  Seeking for something (Someone) that seemed impossible.  Looking beyond themselves and their borders.

Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, 
gold I bring to crown him again, 
King forever, ceasing never, 
over us all to reign.

One thing, out of the many things that have jumped out at me in this season of re-reading the story of the birth of Jesus is the wise men came "prepared" to give.

At the very sight of Him, they fell to their knees.  Overtaken and overwhelmed with emotion, there was nothing else they could do but fall down and worship Him.  They brought their best.  Gold.  Frankincense.  Myrrh.  They opened their treasures and laid everything out for Him.

My deep, heart-penetrating question for us all at 4:30 this brand-new morning in this brand-new year is, are we ready to lay everything out before Him?  Or are we going to give Him a portion of us?  The only portion that we think is good enough to approach Him.  Friend, there is nothing in us good enough to approach Him.  Our righteousness is as filthy rags in comparison to His glory.  But that's why He came.  To make us His own.  To clean us up.  

Oh wait...maybe you think--"Hey, I'm good.  I'm not one of those drug dealers on the streets--I didn't rob a bank or kill someone."  

Hold on a sec.  We were ALL born sinners.  You may have chosen to make wiser decisions growing up.  You may have even attended church regularly because you had a saintly parent who made sure your bottom was on the pew every single Sunday...but you were still born a sinner....and unless you made the conscious decision--compelled by grace to repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart and life...you are STILL stuck in your sin.

So, my question still stands.  Are you ready to lay everything out before Him and let Him have ALL of YOU?  I promise He doesn't turn His head at the bad parts--He will take all of you and give you ALL of Himself.  He came FOR you.  You are the very reason He left His Heavenly Home and stooped to become one of us...one WITH us.

O star of wonder, star of light, 
star with royal beauty bright, 
westward leading, still proceeding, 
guide us to thy perfect light.

Every night, when I let my little baby-dog out for the last time, I always lean my head way back and look at the skies.  Imagining my Heavenly Father looking at me.  

I ask Him: Father?  Did I accomplish anything at all for the Kingdom today?  I pause and wait.  My mind rolls back over the things I felt prompted to do or say--and then gets snagged on the outburst of frustrations that happen periodically when driving or as the day unfolds and has so many wrinkles...

I ask for forgiveness (again) and help for a better outcome tomorrow.  I will not give in to the feeling of sadness over what I feel as failing.  I am His child.  Just like my daughters are mine forever--I am His.  Only I could remove myself from His arms...He will not cast me away.  He will always encourage me to keep going--keep trying--keep giving.  

He's coming again, only this time, it won't be to the sleepy town of Bethlehem.  His return will come unexpectedly--at a moment's notice--in the twinkling of an eye....faster than superman can move that train.

Don't let His arrival be like unexpected company--when you scramble to put the living room in order, kick the shoes out of the hallway, turn down the blaring TV.  I want His coming to find me seeking Him more this year than ever before.  More than in 2024.  I want 2025 to be the year I come most alive!  

Only you can hear Him for YOU.  

It's your choice.  Facebook or His-Book?  

Good grief, I don't want to hear Him say--"Angie...you spent far too much time on worthless things--while My world was starving for my Word..."  That would be a true tragedy.

With all that I have in me--I pursue Him--expecting Him to show up at any time.  It's time.  There's much to do before He gets here!  

Are you ready?

© Angie Knight 2025. All rights reserved. 

Song, public domain:  We Three Kings, John Henry Hopkins, Jr. 1820-1891.

Photos:  pixabay.com 

God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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