Faith Wins
Wrestling fear to the ground is not enough. Fear must be stopped, and it must be replaced with FAITH. We always need to replace the bad with the good. Otherwise, it will be too easy to slide back into the old rut of belief, “I can’t. - What if? - But suppose?”.
Jesus said this to the Pharisees when they claimed that Jesus must have healed the demon-possessed man with the power of Beelzebul (Satan)
43 “Now when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, it roams through waterless (dry, arid) places in search of rest, but it does not find it.44 Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it arrives, it finds the place unoccupied, swept, and put in order. 45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and make their home there. And the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first. So will it also be with this wicked generation.” Matthew 12:43-45 AMP Version
Many years ago, I had what I would call a “day-time-fully-awake” dream. I had been in prayer over something quite serious—as in the next step into the unknown of God’s plan. My prayer list for the others I knew was also at the forefront of my mind. I had been sitting very still. Soft, lyricless music was playing in another room, and I was just meditating on what God had done thus far in my life. All the steps I had taken to this point were scary and intimidating—requiring mountains of trust which I had no idea was in me. I had three particular friends (prayer partners) who were each experiencing a call of God—or a nudge of change in their lives that they were unsure about.
Let me set up the scene. I was in a kitchen it seemed. I was standing more or less in what I felt was on the bridge of an action I didn’t expect. It was hot weather. The window was open, but with no air stirring, the curtains hung lifeless at the opening.
I was standing on one side of an old wooden table, and sweat was running down my back. I heard and saw simultaneously the door open to an unwanted, unexpected, and divisive enemy. This was an enemy to everyone—never invited—but would always show up unannounced to spoil the plans, no matter how simple or solid the plans seemed to be. This enemy’s name was Fear. He entered the room almost like he lived there. Like he knew the place well. But he couldn’t, could he? I mean, this was “MY” place, right?
I felt the darkness more than I saw it. It was a bright, sunny day outside my wall of windows in the living room where I physically sat. Having the scene play out in my mind, of something that I turn into a story, blog, or play, was not completely uncommon—but it usually started with whatever I was working on at the time. This scene was nothing I was working on. This scene was working on me. Showing me that the friends that I was praying for –and even myself, were each facing an unknown at the time. A fear.
The stinky-hot-breath of fear clouded the room, almost as if the temperature had just dropped to the point where your breath becomes that misty fog as it is expelled from your lungs to the air. It was now a stifling room—even with the window open. I sensed a fight was about to ensue. A big one. No words were yet spoken.
To avoid Fear’s approach, I began to circle the table with each advancement he made. Anxiety began to rise to a choking level in my mind. But with each step, I could feel myself—as well as those I was praying for, begin to stand straighter. I could feel resolve building in my mind. I would not go down like this. Fear would not win.
Then, the attack came. Hurling words of insufficiency at my mind of my abilities, trying to weaken my belief and my resolve to serve God no matter what He required of me. Throwing the darts of “but you don’t have….”, “but you’ve never even…”. All the flaws I saw in myself were thrown like spears to pierce my heart to the point of giving up and crawling into a pit of “self-worthlessness”.
My mind suddenly remembered I was equipped to fight this enemy. I had a sword that could defeat the arrows of this enemy.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord. Isaiah 54:17
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”. 1 John 4:4
My shouts as I pulled my sword free from its sheath seemed to slice through the enemy’s attempts and pierce his intention, knocking him backwards. As he called out for reinforcements, I repeated the words with determination to annihilate this enemy from my life until he lay in a lifeless heap on the floor.
I suddenly saw my friends’ faces along with mine, as I picked up my suitcase and walked out the door. I no longer lived in a place where Fear had access. He was defeated through the Word of God and the power in the name of Jesus.
Last night, I received a text message reminding me that we are ALL in a war. The person’s declaration reminded me of what our equipment and weaponry is: The Word of God. That text message reminded me this morning of the scene you just read.
Let me remind YOU that you, too, have the same weaponry. But you have to USE It. Use your words to speak the WORD. You have the power within you to bind the forces that are coming against you: illness, depression, oppression, anxiety, financial deficits, call those prodigals home, and in her words, “all the other crap”.
When you begin praying and don’t see results, keep praying. Keep believing. Remember Who is in charge…get your mind off of “who” thinks they are in charge. In a business, there is typically one owner. There are others who serve under the owner, and they may give directives, but that person is NOT the owner. They do not have ultimate power—even though they may want it. The enemy of your soul wants you and I to believe that they have all authority…but guess what? JESUS has full authority.
In the amplified version, Matthew 28:18 says, “Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”
So, who do you think is “Boss”?
The devil loves to intimidate. And he is allowed to do things in our lives (read Job), but he can’t do ANYTHING that God doesn’t give him permission to do. We would do well to remember that when things are going haywire in our lives. Yes, it’s hard to remember at times. I know—that’s been a struggle of my own in times of crisis.
I encourage you—to name your crisis. Now look up every scripture of faith, healing, deliverance, redemption, etc., and write them down. It will take you a minute. When you have that done, go back and read them aloud. Put them in places you will see often. Remind yourself and remind the devil, just Who is the Boss….it’s not him. Carry these Scriptures with you and memorize as many as you can. Whip out that sword and use it!
Do more than wrestle fear to the ground. Kill it and then replace it with Faith. Keep believing—God has big things in store, and He is calling His warriors to take their place in the line of fighting. You have been in training long enough. Get into place. Fight fear with Faith. Faith wins.
© Angie Knight 2025. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog may be used or copied without the express permission of the author.
All Scripture is from NKJV or AMP.
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