It's Who You Know

Before you think this blogpost is a more detailed obituary--stop a sec. It's not.  I feel so strongly I need to tell you something:  In death, as in life, it's all about WHO you know.  Not "whose" you are, not who you belong to.  But Who you belong to.  Grandbuddy would tell you that today.  It would not matter one single bit that you were the baby of 10.  Or that your siblings more-or-less were the ones who were the major participants in your raising.   It wouldn't matter that your mother was a Christian...but are you?

Grandbuddy's physical body was laid to rest Wednesday.  What a wonderful job Jeff, Juno and Mark did.  Grandbuddy had said he wanted his funeral to be just his son-in-laws.  It was perfect, and he would be proud.  

I started this blog post on the 12th but couldn't finish.  My mind was full.  My emotions were all over the place.  I looked at it a couple more times and still couldn't lay my fingers to the keys.  But now, I think I can finish it.

In his portion, Jeff mentioned a few of the things Grandbuddy was known for saying.  I remembered his and a few of my own.  It was mentioned more than once that he loved people and loved to talk.  He and I had more conversations sitting in the swing outside than I can count.  They were often deep conversations.  And I agree with mother and Jeff, that is something I will miss the most.  

I will miss times swinging in the backyard watching the traffic fly by on Highway 2.  He showed you he cared about you, not only by telling you constantly, but he talked and listened to you.  Listening to someone, even digging deep in conversation, turning over the soil of the hard places of life showed he truly cared.  He wasn't prying and he wasn't nosey.  He was interested in YOU.  And he wanted to know you better.  He wanted you to care enough about yourself that you talked your way through the difficulties of the past even if tears fell like Niagara Falls.  

Conversations with those you love tells them, "Hey, I am interested in your life because I am interested in you."  Sharing his life and experiences was his way he gave of himself.  

"Mercy, Baby!"  Every time I said something "strong" or harsh when we were in a discussion about some of the crazy goings on in the world and I gave him "my opinion" and what I think needed to be done--making no bones about how harsh the punishment needed to be, he would always exclaim as if in shock, "Mercy, Baby!"  Then I explained why I felt that way...he seemed to get it.  So when I said someone needed to be tossed in an alligator pond, he would get my point.

"Let the day unfold".  Totally a vacation quote.  When our girls were very young, we vacationed together as a family.  It was so fun.  We had the joy and privilege of borrowing a large house for a week during the summer and loved every minute of it.  Our girls played in the waterfall near the house and we soaked up the peaceful days.  Every time we would ask what the plan was for the day, "Let the day unfold".   

"You betcha!"  When we asked something that we most likely already knew the answer to--and how adamant he would be, we were not disappointed when his strong, "You betcha" came out with force.  It was like he was saying--OF COURSE!

"Hey, Bubba!", was what he said to all of the grandsons and son-in-laws.  "Hey, Baby!" was what all of us girls got.  And, "there's my beautiful Bride", was what I heard almost every time he saw or spoke of my mother.  She was his life and love.  If I've ever witnessed the love of a man for his wife, it was in their relationship.  Mother needed it and deserved it.  We had prayed for the LORD to bring her someone who would love her and treat her like a queen, and God did just that.  

Don't think for one second that I'm painting him as a saint.  Good grief no!  There were times when you saw a glimpse of the "old Buddy", but he always apologized.  

Mother, Aimee and I had a conversation with a precious niece (granddaughter to mother) and repeatedly said, "don't you dare settle".  Wait for the one that God has for you.  The one who will put your needs above his own.  The one who seeks God above anyone or anything else in the world.  Not just as a pretense to get your attention.  Wait for the one who will be a leader, a spiritual leader in the home.  Wait for God to tell you... "this is him."

I couldn't imagine life with anyone else as a step-dad.  He was not a "step".  He was the real deal.  He loved us all--and loved us well.  I was a little skeptical at first.  Mother didn't date for a LONG time after she and my daddy divorced.  I was super protective.  Being the oldest of four, it was almost like I had made myself the designated protector of the home. 

Something you would not have ever guessed about Grandbuddy, but it was well known in our family and finally really shared during his service, he was not a Christian when they married.  He was a good man.  But he knew he wasn't a Christian and he didn't pretend to be.  His life changed when the mission bug bit him and he traveled on several mission trips--and actually smuggled Bibles into some countries that I won't even mention here.  

He started out just because he wanted to travel.  He loved traveling.  He wanted to see the world.  God started his journey out with Mark and Joe G. [a missionary to India who, in my opinion, was very instrumental in the path God laid to introduce Himself to Grandbuddy in a very real way].  

If he could lean over the portals of Heaven and tell you anything today, it would be to get your life right.  He would tell you "you don't have much time--and there is NO promise of tomorrow".  He would say, "I've seen the polishing of the trumpet--it's about to happen--get your life right with God".  

YOU have to KNOW God, and accept His Son, Jesus as your Savior.  Knowing Grandbuddy, or any other Christian won't count for squat when you stand before God at the Judgment Seat of Christ.  YOU must have a relationship with Him.

Pay attention to the things you are paying attention to.  Some of those things are pulling you down into a pit of emptiness.  It might look good in the beginning, like all the social media apps, but by now we can all see that they were a ploy to get our focus on ourselves and "things", and to propagate false news.  It has become the biggest time-waster.  Yes, there is some GOOD on social media, I will even post my blog to various platforms.  But if we grab our phones to check out who's doing what before we seek time with Jesus...then we've allowed it to become an idol in our lives--and if Christ is not center of our lives--then honestly, I wonder about your love for God and how you will stand on judgement day.

I just have today-just this very second, to tell you about Jesus.  I can't promise you that I will write another blog--because we have no promise of the next day.   Before I get to work today, God may turn His head and say, "Gabriel, take that trumpet you've been polishing and blow loudly--it's time to call My children Home."  I can see God leaning to Jesus, "Son, Go get Your Bride".  There will be no hesitation.  It won't be like it is when I tell my grandson to do anything.  No one up there in Heaven is too busy to stop in an instant to obey the voice of will happen.

But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed!  It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown.  For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever.  And we who are living will also be transformed.  For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.  Then when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled:  

"Death is swallowed up in victory.  O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?"  

For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives gives sin its power.  But thank God!  He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.  

1 Corinthians 15:51-58 NLT

© Angie Knight 2023. All rights reserved. 

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


  1. Praise the Lord! What a moving tribute to your Grandbuddy! I’m sorry for your family’s loss, Angie.

  2. I loved that Angie! Well said- you are truly a fantastic writer!!!Thank you for sharing those words of wisdom and love.


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