Friday Faith Talks
I had so much trouble this morning getting signed on that I forgot what I had on my heart to share! How crazy is that? It happens. To all of us.
I woke during the night this weekend, to a storm--a big one. But because we have a roof over our heads and I was safe in my bed, I didn't worry or fret. That's not the case with so many in the world. This is going to be kind of heavy...I've not seen the movie [yet] that is a hot topic of discussion about child trafficking...since we have some people who are close to us in various cities who are foster parents...I am not sure I can watch it. I've held some of the babies they are protecting...the children...the littles. I can tell you right now--all "good thoughts and intentions" in my head gets shoved out of the way when I think of what's happening to the children right now all over the world. My blood pressure rises and everything in me wants to rage and turn into the Incredible Mama Hulk over the entire lot of them...with no mercy.
It's been a minute since I have allowed myself to "blog" without a devotion to share. When I first began blogging--I was very real-in the day-to-day happenings in my life. I mean, I told you almost everything. If I was having a rough day--I told you. If I had ice cream, I told you. If I had a great prayer time--you heard about it--and if I got mad as a wet-settin'-hen, well, you got that too. Somewhere along the way, it changed.
I am trying to remember why. Was it because someone told me that I shouldn't share all that? Was it because someone cautioned me on being "that real"? I think that's why so many people think Christians live a glorious daisy pickin' life. I mean, really. Don't you think that once a person gives their life to Jesus that He just rolls out the red carpet and rolls up all the troubles that were ahead and tosses them in a deep ditch somewhere and lets your life just parade on by without so much as a hangnail? Are you KIDDING me? Shooooot no.
As a matter of fact, when you give your life to Jesus, you become a hot topic in the pits of the devil's lair and an instant target. All of that--to say simply this: I want to get back to sharing more of the realities of life. I hope you hang around and remember....this girl doesn't have it all together...but with ALL that I am, I love Jesus.
Friday mornings are normally a designated time for what is called, "Friday Faith Talks". We meet at the home of a precious little lady and begin with the good morning greeting (it starts at 7:00 a.m.). We get our muffin and our coffee and get seated. The Holy Spirit is invited to guide our discussion via prayer. We start everything with prayer. No, we are NOT "holier than thou"....through the course of each of our lives, we have learned to prioritize....but we don't always get that right either.
Sometimes the prayer leads to praying for one another --we will lean over and take the hand of another and sometimes move from our seat to put a hand on the shoulder of the one who needs a special touch from our Father...He is always present. Once we have prayed, we begin with the Word, sharing and giving our thoughts to the others on what God is speaking to us about or doing in our lives. We always leave encouraged. We leave filled with purposed and refreshed.
Saturday, if we miss the Friday event, we move it to Saturday and have "Saturday Sunday School ", where we basically do the same thing--except it's Saturday and our schedule may be a little more flexible than Friday. We share life and the Word--and it's growing us all. It's allowing us to understand more of what God is giving us through His Word.
Do you have a designated time where you meet with friends or family?...With people of likeminded faith to help you grow? To help you see things from perhaps a more experienced perspective?...
We have to make time to be with Him...just like you make time to prepare your meals--take your bath--play with little ones--do extra curricular activities--YOU have to decide when and where you will meet with God on a continual basis.
Today is a good day to start.
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