I honestly have no title....This is from the Holy Spirit--not me.

Sometimes I have a dream that sticks.  It's not often--but it happens.  In the wee hours of today--it happened.  The thing is, I only remember a small portion:

"I was on highway 177 in Bonifay and a tragic accident had taken place somewhere between Miller's Crossroads and Bethlehem School.  Tragic enough that it caused a very large gaping hole in the earth/road.  I remember being on a motored bike of some sort--and I had seen it all from above the situation (don't ask me how).  I dreamed I was suddenly further back on the highway--closer to 79 and I was driving fast to give warning.  I knew that if people didn't turn around--they would be stuck.  The traffic on that road in the dream looked more like I-10--heavy traffic.  Lots of cars and trucks.  I went from vehicle to vehicle telling people about what was ahead and that if they didn't find a turning around place in the road and go back they would be stuck--for no telling how many hours.  I remember some finding a place to turn around--while others were determined to stay on the road. Nothing I said could change their mind.  Some of the people I knew...some were strangers to me.  They would soon see for themselves there was no way out once they had reached a certain point--there would be no place to turn around."

I woke troubled in my spirit.  I dozed off again and found myself in Carmel AG--the church was full-and there were two men standing up at the front.  One was holding the mic for the other, who was beginning to give a message in tongues and part English--when he suddenly stopped and said--"I may as well tell you in English--for I already know what it is:  "Things will wax worse and worse...."  I remember he said some other things, but I honestly can't remember it all.

I looked at my phone in the dark for the time--4:17 AM.  I got up.  I needed to meet with Jesus in the living room.  I say this like I figure everyone meets with Him like this, but I know everyone does not have this pattern of prayer.  People either have a time--or they don't.  It's either important--or it's not.  He's either all....or He's not.

As I prepared my altar (ottoman) and got a blanket to go around my shoulders, I whispered in the dim room, asking the LORD if He would please give me what I couldn't remember.  I don't know if He did.  But I began to pray in the Spirit --and felt a heaviness in my own heart.  It was a burden and it ached.  It felt different than other times I had prayed in this same spot.  After praying a while, I felt the Lord speaking to me--and I wrote down what I heard in my spirit.  It may be for you...you may agree--you may disagree.  You may say, God doesn't speak to people like that--but you can believe whatever you choose. I believe that He does.  And I believe that He did.

"Behold, I am taking My children Home.  Now, a few at the time, but very soon, all of them.  All of My children will rise up.  Death is not the end and will not win.  What are you doing to prepare?  Are you using your gifts and resources for My purpose?  Are you telling all you know of My soon return?  
For I will indeed come as a thief-unexpectedly.  When you are making all your plans --other plans of living--all of life will suddenly change.  Things will grow more chaotic before I return.  You think to yourself, "How can things be more chaotic?"  But you will see, and I have already given you a voice and equipped you with knowledge on how to handle it.  It will seem chaotic to the world, but remember I formed the world from nothing.  I have a plan and I will use the chaos of the enemy for the good of those who trust Me.  
Listen, make time for Me.  You will have calm in your spirit from Me, and others around you will want to know why and how.  I would that all My children would use this time to be a voice to the lost and dying.  Some will listen.  Some will not.  They are more intent on their own way.  There is a last day revival coming.  You will see it and know.  Work like it's tomorrow.  Prepare like it's tomorrow. 
My hand is not too short to save and to reach all around the world to save.  BUT they must hear first.  I have sent many and I am sending more.  They are already preparing to go.  Great will be the revival that will sweep around the world and across this nation.  Be ready to lay aside your plans for Mine.
I have equipped you.  You are ready for this.  Be listening for My voice.  You must be listening to hear me.   
Behold, My child, I am coming soon.  Tell the world. Those who work well under pressure- in emergency situations will be used--who do you think gave them that gift?  Me.  And they will use what I have given because their gifts will be called upon.  The world will need those I have prepared to use before this final call for My children.  Behold, My child, My hand is on you!"

I paused long before I typed this--and again before I decided to share it with you-- for those who feel that quickening in their spirit-will know it's for them. I believe that all Believers have been chosen and should be ready and willing to do whatever He asks of us... in this last day.  Laying aside our agenda...for His.

I feel like when the word "tomorrow" is given--it's not like a distant "tomorrow"...it's like a real tomorrow.  As if you have plans to go on vacation tomorrow morning --and you know there are things you have got to do today?... Like fueling up the vehicle, banking, last minute details...that was the feeling I got when I heard the word "tomorrow"...it's not distant...it's now.

Even though my words could ramble on at this point--I feel like I said what needed to be said today.  

I'm praying for you.

© Angie Knight 2023. All rights reserved. 

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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