Our oldest grandson has some favorite things: Wrestling, Marvel Movies, family, and a good banana split. Almost in that order. With him being autistic, I've had to learn a new approach on many things in our lives, but especially change when it comes to him. We stick to a routine as much as possible for his sake. This past Saturday we watched a Marvel Movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier. When something is said that catches my ear--I pay attention and generally pause the movie and write it down. I did so last Saturday, when near the end portion of the movie the bad guys were about to go down because the heroes were gearing up. Steve Rogers (Capt. America) turns to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and says these powerful--and true words: "Gear up. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." You know what I'm about to talk about right? There is an absolute war going on. Everywhere. In foreign countries...in the p...
Well, for starters, I know ours has flaws--because WE have flaws. But I am thankful for where we are today. We wouldn't have made it though--without major determination. Jeff preached Sunday at our church. I always love hearing him--but this time it was from home. Currently, it sounds worse than it is--but much coughing sounds makes people more nervous than ever. It's been going around....it finally got me and Jeff. I guess since his legs are longer, he waded through it faster....who knows. It has lingered, I can promise you not by invitation. Anyway, he segued a bit in his message because it was nigh impossible to see his notes. But you know God planted the words of the message--even down to the detour. Part of the detour took you to a window into our marriage when he talked about an issue he has dealt with in the past. He talked about his drug addiction and alcoholism. He didn't give the full blown testimony--it'...
In my quiet time this morning, I had one of those thoughts that came flying through. Not a bad thought-but a very clear "picture thought". The phrase, "cover me-I'm going in" did a fly by in my brain. I have said it before, I enjoy a good western movie. Mostly the older ones though. I don't think they make a western movie any more that doesn't have a barn full of cussing and clothing issues....if you get my drift. So, I generally stick with the old black and white programs when I want to watch a good western. It's a shame though. A true shame that we have become so word deficient that we have to rely on bad language to sell a movie. You can see real quick I could go off on a rant right here if I'm not careful. So I'll stop and thank God that we actually have had some good movies in the past few years. Back to the fly-by. "Cover me--I'm going in", has been said in countless westerns, cop shows, murder mysteries, etc...
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