Your Testing Ground

Have I told you my story yet?  

You're probably like, "Angie, you have told me SO much, I'm not sure which story you are talking about! :)

When I heard about you and what's going on in your life, I felt like there were some nuggets from my own story that might help you this morning (or evening-whenever you find yourself reading this).

Sometimes I find myself holding back -- well, being transparent, I do hold back at times.  But this morning, I wanted to share it all.  I only like good surprises.  If I know what I'm up against, I can be better prepared to handle what's coming.  Well, life doesn't work like that.  Only God holds our story.  Only He knows what's in the book.  From the day you and I were born until the day we draw our last breath--He knows ALL the stuff in between.  So trust me when I say...there is nothing He can't handle.  And He will walk you through ALL the things you would rather be delivered out of.  Sometimes He will do it like that...and then other times, He's like, "Hey, I've got some people down the road who will need to know your story--and How you trusted Me to get you to the goal...are you willing?"   Well, when You put it like that....

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was like I had just ran blindfolded into a brick wall.  I remember when the phone all came and they told me what stage and type it was and that I would need chemotherapy and radiation.  I remember thinking--even questioning God about the timing of all this.  [For just a brief millisecond, I forgot that God was God.  But just a millisecond.  Then I was back to my faith and belief that God can do ANYTHING.  And since the Word says He will never leave us nor forsake us--I take that to heart and believe every syllable.]

Then I remembered how He guarded and shielded me in the hospital.  When my anxiety was all over the place, He was indeed my Strong Tower.  I had experienced anxiety before --but this was different.  Before, my anxiety led me to comfort the other person.  This time, I was in the chair being rolled down the hall.  The bright lights of the hospital halls tend to intensify any anxious thought.  But God reminded me this morning, how He became the cloud that covered the lights and made them not so intense that one morning.

Going back to the hospital now to visit someone and walking those halls reminds me of how much He cared for me and watched over me that morning.  The bright lights, suddenly dimmed for me as the nurse wheeled me along.  The construction-working loud intrusive sounds-became suddenly muffled as the Holy Spirit went along with me and covered my ears.  

Those are the things I cling to now when anxiety tries to rise up--His undeniable power to comfort and protect while walking me THROUGH a place of testing.

If you have time, read these blog posts from my journey through the calling-to cancer-back to the calling. 

Cancer cannot stop what God has assigned for you to do.  What He will do is use everything in your life to grow you-and He will be the Light that others SEE as you put all your trust in HIM.  

ONLY God knows your assignment details.  We are just instructed to surrender and follow Him.

Click the links below to turn the pages back to where we were when He rolled out the miracles in our lives.  (P.S., the support links in the blog do not lead anywhere.)

You might be thinking--wow.  Angie--that is a whole LOT for a Monday.  I know.  I would have loved to give you the abridged version...but then I didn't really know what you might need from the whole shebang.  

One last thing.... I'm praying for you.  God has you in the palm of His hand.  I may not know who you are exactly--or what you look like, but HE does.  He knows every single detail--from the freckles to the number of hairs on your head.  I'm just being obedient in telling you of who HE is and how He will step in to walk beside you in your own journey.  I'm not special.  He does it for all His children.  

Let's talk again soon.

P.S.  When things don't line up like we planned and hoped they would...we have to remember--WE don't see the whole picture.  We don't know who our lives impact.  We don't know what parts God will use--but I can promise you this:  nothing is ever wasted of what you and I walk through.  God never wastes suffering.

© Angie Knight. All rights reserved. 

Photo credit:  free photos from 

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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