More Than a Test
Hey, y'all. Can you do me a sweet favor? I cannot imagine why/how in the world I could have forgotten how to do things quickly and easily (maybe age??) on my blog--but I'm having trouble having the subscribe button work as it should. Let me know if it works for you. Find it in the upper left corner in the little drop-down menu. :)
I have two blogs (actually three if you count the Focus Forward Ministry website).
The other blog is actually a combination of the original "Knightly News" (before I bought a domain name), and "Sisters of Faith". It's all squished in there somehow. The odd thing is, even though it's supposed to have captured them all, I cannot find a few of my really oldest blogs....oh well. It happens sometimes, right?
Anyway, the other blog is called "Living Intentionally", under It is the blog I've used for all our mission trips etc.
I've blogged since 2007, and the earlier ones are what I cannot seem to locate...fortunately I printed them (back in that other lifetime -haha). I did a 90 Day Bible Study with my baby sister, Aimee. We posted a blog every single day for 90 days....after getting up at 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning to write I was like--what in the world was I thinking? We had participants in another time zone and they were long up at that time. It was FUN, but exhausting. I may do that again. Not sure if I can convince my sister or not--her plate is full.
If you are new here let me introduce myself--I'm Angie --the second half of Jeff and Angie Knight from Evangel Church. I was helping in the nursery on Mother's Day and one of the sweet ladies made that statement when I introduced myself, "Oh you're the Angie to the Jeff and Angie Knight"! Yep. That would be me.
I worked for an amazing law firm about 45 minutes from home for over 10 years until God called me into ministry in 2010. What specific kind of ministry I wasn't sure--except I knew it had a strong vein of missions coursing through it. There's a LOT of in-between things I won't bore you with. We have been married for over 40 years, have two amazing and precious daughters who are prayer warriors and my best friends; they have incredibly dedicated husbands and currently we have 14 grandchildren. And yes, I would love even more! ;)
My husband work at a funeral home in our sweet town and are blessed to work with friends--who are like family. It's a ministry I never saw coming. That's another blog as it came on the heels of the mission field. God always has a plan and purpose for our lives...and it always involves serving and loving others. What more could we ask for?
Anyway, subscribe if I haven't scared you off. The button is in the top left hand corner of the dropdown menu. I will get someone to help me get this fixed RIGHT. I promise. :)
Next up: Let's talk about _________________________
God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT
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