Your Church Prayer Room
Several years ago, 2008 to be precise, my baby sister, Aimee and I went to Concord, North Carolina to my first "She Speaks Conference". We were beyond excited! We left our home, stopped by McDonald's for iced coffee (like we needed the caffeine!--We did NOT need it!) and started out driving north. I was the designated driver when we left home, Aimee was going to give directions.
By the time we reached Phoenix City, AL and she didn't tell me in time to get on the on ramp, I felt like she would be the better driver and I would be the better "On Star Guide, or GPS" for the trip. That meant SHE was going to have to drive through Atlanta. (Giggle)
We arrived safely at our destination and got checked in to our room. We oooed and aahhhed over all the details on the conference. All the signs and banners--all the unique things that we encountered along the way. We felt like Ellie Mae and Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies come to town. Maybe not quite that bad, but this was a high cotton hotel, The Embassy Suites.
If you know us--we brought some luggage. We brought a week's worth for just a weekend conference. Did I mention Aimee had a suitcase for "shoes"???
I promise I will get you to the Church Prayer room...just wanted to give you laugh before we got there.
I had BIG dreams of writing a book about our sister, Wanda's life. She had changed her address to her Heavenly Home in February of that year and we talked about how she would have loved this journey. She certainly would have laughed so hard at watching us getting out of the elevator with all our luggage when we reached our floor... oh the stuff we carry... (That's another blog.)
There were so many things--speakers--classes--and the FOOD that we enjoyed--but the most wonderful part of the conference was our walk into the "Prayer Room".
We had been told there was a room set aside for quiet time and that we needed to be respectful of others praying when we entered. We felt an immediate reverence when we entered. Certain team members from the Proverbs 31 Team had prayed over this room after they put it together. It was the highlight and the part that stayed with me--insomuch that on my next conference with She Speaks three or four years later, that was where I wanted to go immediately.
I've told you a LOT to get to this point (if you know me--you know). I recently wondered what it would be like in our church services--if all churches had a designated room-set up just for those who wanted to pray before church. Or at other times.... The prayer room, if designed similar to those I've been privileged to enter should have some specifics: Quiet place, away from those gathering and fellowshipping; soft worship music; appropriate lighting; small stools, benches or old fashioned altars; boxes of Kleenex; extra large floor pillows; rugs; designated area for small group prayers (if possible), appropriate decor for the walls that reminded those praying that God is for us--and the cross is where we leave all our burdens; these are just some take-aways from the She Speaks Conference Prayer Room. Quiet. Reverent. Peaceful.

There was a sign for quiet reverence, but really, upon entering, I felt the removal of my shoes was necessary. Not because of any sign, but the holy hush I felt in the room. The instrumental music was soft. The lighting just right to create a soft ambience. And the presence of God was so evident. We found a place to pray away from others and knelt down and gave this whole weekend once again to our Savior. After we prayed, we quietly slipped out of the room. I had a significant shift in my emotions. I felt PEACE. Up to that point, I had felt so nervous about a one-on-one meeting with a spokesperson from a publishing company. After time in the prayer room, I had the peace and confidence that God was in control and my desire to write a book would come forth at the right time--no matter who I met with. (It's a work in progress.)
If your church has a small room that can be converted to a prayer room--I cannot imagine anything more beneficial. Maybe small groups could gather for prayer before service in a quiet area--away from the gathering fellowshipping of the main sanctuary...just a thought. I see it as a place of refuge for those with heavy burdens.

Picture a young mom, life hectic with kids, needing a place but rarely any quiet time can be had at home. She drops her littles off at the church nursery and finds a place to pray in the quiet, peace-filled prayer room and she unburdens what she has carried around in her heart. Maybe someone is there to pray with her and remind others when service is about to begin, but either way, she leaves feeling lighter and able to enter into worship with a full heart of gratitude for having spent 30 minutes with our Father.
Maybe your church has a place--but maybe they don't have a room to spare. Is there one room that could be shared? Maybe it's a goal to work toward... Whether your church has one or not, YOU need one at home. Even if you have to clear out a closet...
I hope with all my heart that YOU have a place at home where you can get alone with God. A place that's quiet and reverent--and if you are like me--it's a space that is shared with the family most of the day-but in those hours that it's quiet, grab it for yourself and your time with God. Allow the Holy Spirit to saturate that space with His presence. Carve out specific time in your day for Him. In all honesty, we ALL have the time--we just don't TAKE the time.
If you GIVE God your time--He will GIVE you His attention. If we go about our day--not giving a second thought to time with God in prayer--or worship--I can imagine He feels like we don't want Him.
If you are married and you don't give your spouse time-just for you two, it won't be long until you may find yourself alone. We all want to feel and BE needed. Not just for "help" to do things--but for COMMUNICATION. It's a very lonely marriage if you don't communicate. If you never share your thoughts, your heart and desires in life- I see only a pretense of married life, not a full married life as God intended. You will leave this life never having the best that life has to offer.... But hey, if you are satisfied with that, I guess your husband or wife will have to be too.... those are just my thoughts here.
Bottom line: Make a prayer place or room at your home. And, if possible, perhaps your church has a place they would be willing to have as a designated place to pray.
Where is YOUR place of prayer?
Photo Credits: and Pinterest ideas on prayer, prayer room, prayer closet.
God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:10 NLT
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