Green Lights and Pine Straw

I recently remembered something specific that God did for me when we were living in Costa Rica.  I don't know if you ever "write down" or even ask for specific things that are not urgent needs at all, but merely a desire or wish of your own.  Well, I have.  On more than one occasion.  And it is the neatest thing to watch my Heavenly Father in action!  He loves doing things that bring a smile and delight to the heart of His children.  So, I encourage you--ASK.

I wrote this down on August 17, 2017 so that I would not forget it.  These were three things that came up in my prayer time that week.  I told no one--only God.  That's when you KNOW that you KNOW that God is the giver of the gift.

On Tuesday morning of that week I was sitting on the bed, leaning back against the wall with my Bible and prayer journal in my lap.  I was praying for someone specific to get clearance for something.  I specifically used the words, "grant them green lights".  I remembered saying those words in my prayers.  
Every Tuesday night, a group of us always walk the few miles to the Pizza Hut nearest us.  It was a treat that we did every week, because only on Tuesday nights the pizza was buy one and get one free.  Usually there was at least 10 of us; a parent with a back-pack-kiddo, a few young kids and the rest of us carrying umbrellas...because it's Costa Rica and it rains every day--at some point in the day.  So we were getting used to the rain and if it was only a light rain--we walked anyway.

If you can picture us walking up steep sidewalks, crossing streets, down hills, and all in single file like a band of little ducklings following their mama.  Traffic is always a nightmare.  Always.  This time of evening it was always worse.  I always got very nervous at red-light intersections.  

As we arrived at the first intersection I noticed we had a green walk light!  We hurried over--as it could change in a blink!  We got to the next busy four lane intersection, and again as we approached, a green walk light!  We hurried through every single green walk light that night on the way to dinner.  Not a single intersection paused us on our way.  That was miraculous.  And, God surprised us as we walked home, ALL green lights again!  I never experienced that before-or again after that night.  Green Lights.  (Clearance)

Costa Rica Traffic

The second miracle that week, in general conversation, I had mentioned to a couple of people how I missed fall at our home.  We had not arrived at "Fall" yet.  It was August.  But my heart had already began to think "Fallish" thoughts.  I thought of the trees that shed their leaves and crunch when I walk over them.  I thought of the change in the air--the smell of pumpkin spice candles and bread baking.  All the things that make me feel warm and cozy.  (Not hot and humid.)

On Wednesday I was walking with a friend to a store, "Pequeño Mundo" (small world).  It was just a few miles and even though it was steep in some areas, it was enjoyable.  As I was walking, looking down I saw an entire sidewalk area and street gutter strewn with pine-straw!  I got so excited about that pine-straw!  I told my missionary friend with me--how I had wished and longed for fall--and right here for me to walk over, God placed some pine straw just for me to notice that HE notices everything about us.  What we like, don't like, what we need and yes, even silly desires like longing for fall.  That was such a gift from my Father--and you better believe I thanked Him as I walked on.  I can still picture it now.  (FYI, there were no pine trees in that area....). 

We had dinner with a missionary family that we were arrival coaches for--and after dinner we walked outside to leave and there was a distinct breeze.  A change of temperature--change of atmosphere.  I praised God for that!  I asked Jeff, "What does this feel like to you?"  

"Fall" was his instant reply.  He knew nothing about what I had longed for, nor about the pine straw earlier that day.  You may still be clueless...but where we live, pine straw turns brown and falls from the trees at the beginning of fall.

And finally, the third thing that God did for me that week, as I closed my one and only country decorating magazine (I had brought with me to read on the plane-it helps me relax), I said in my heart to the LORD, I sure wish I had another country magazine.  The next morning when I got up to get my coffee, Jeff was frying the sausage I had found and surprised him with the day before and guess what was on my table?  A Southern Living magazine!  I couldn't help but laugh out loud!  

Listen friend.  God does amazing things.  Big and small.  Sometimes we don't bother talking to Him about the small things in our lives--because we don't want to waste His time of the little things.  But let me tell you--if He cares enough to count each hair as it falls from our heads and take note of every little sparrow that falls from it's nest...He cares about the smallest details of your life.  Why don't you talk to Him about it?

© Angie Knight. All rights reserved. 

 God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT


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