My Praise = His Provision
There has been hesitancy in writing some things. Every time I would have a thought--"Oh, I need to blog that", then another thought would come--right on it's heels...."but what would so-and-so think? Would they think you are referring to them?" So, I didn't blog it. I know exactly where it stemmed from. Years ago, I began easing out of blogging my day to day walk with God, and how I felt about things. Instead of blogging it, I journaled it. Currently working on Prayer Journal No. 14.
However, recently--very recently, I have felt a need to make sure you knew the importance of having a relationship with Christ. Not just a Sunday morning event. But a day-to-day lifestyle of communing with the One who loves you more than you will ever be able to imagine.
Many months ago, when I was studying early one morning for my small group I heard in my spirit the following words with a certain force: "Your provision comes out of your praise".
I cannot remember exactly what I was praying for or about during that time, probably a grandchild--or it could have been a financial need of some sort--in this economy, most people have a financial stressor going on. But yesterday while I was sitting in church, after a time of prayer for those who have needs, I heard it again. I began rolling it over in my mind a little--what provision?
Whatever the need is. Are you sick? Praise God through the sickness. I can talk to you with first hand experience of the difficulty of that. It's hard. I will not kid you and make you think it's easy as pouring syrup on a biscuit. But when we praise, something amazing happens. Peace. I could wear peace like a comfy robe during cancer treatment ONLY because my days began in praise and conversation with God.
"You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You. Trust in the LORD forever, because in the LORD, the LORD Himself, is an everlasting rock!" Isaiah 26:3-4 CSB
The peace comes as we put our trust into action. When the trajectory of our thoughts move from the crisis or the problem--to Jesus. Read that sentence again. The devil--the enemy of our souls wants more than anything to keep our minds consumed with the problem:
The sickness.
The financial crisis.
The child gone astray.
The lonely marriage.
The aging loved one.
The world situation.
I could go on and on of the things the enemy is attacking our minds with to distract us to get us off our purpose. But you've read enough to understand what I'm saying. The enemy is out to destroy us--and if he can't bring us down--he wants to make us doubt God's goodness. He wants us to think God is indifferent to our needs. BUT HE'S NOT.
God is very well acquainted with our sufferings and the hardships.
I have written some things that I believe will help us as the day of His return is upon us. I will share some of those this week. But do this one thing today: Praise Him.
Red lights lasting too long? Take time to offer up praise to Jesus.
Opening up the office is something I get to do sometimes when I am the first one to arrive at work. Normally, it's Jeff that opens up the office. When I do, I pray as I walk around turning off the outside lights and turning on the inside lights.
Whatever you do today, offer up praise to God throughout your day and see how you feel or respond to things.... Let me know. There's a comment section at the bottom and if you have a prayer need, I will be glad to add you to my prayer list!
What I know is this: God is for us. He is good. His purposes were planned out in advance before we were born! His heart is for all of us to come to know Jesus as our personal Savior and to have a daily, walking, talking, living relationship with Him. It just begins when we stand up from the altar. There is such a precious relationship waiting for you if you didn't know it already!
Praising God--your provision comes. It may not come like you think...but it will come.
Read this story in the Bible and see what praising through pain got Paul and Silas.
God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT
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